
SUPER SIZED TV Remote - iWAVE model: RC5000?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone have a copy of the users manual? Does anyone know how to get the codes?





  1. This method does not work for me...  I have a "CODE SEARCH" button...  I press it, then TV and the codes, but some codes make the light flash and the ones for my TV, an RCA, well, two codes will turn it off but not on or anything else...  Now, I pressed the code search button, tv and just for fun entered 0000 and it now works on my TV, but if I want to use it for another TV or other device????  All I find are the instructons above but they are not accurate for my RC5000 Iwave super size remote...  :(

  2. sylvania tv

  3. Good times of the day! We bought TV Remote - iWAVE model: RC5000, but we can not find to the search. We have the samsung TV. Codes right up don't search/ please, help me with search

  4. how to program iwave remote to a samsung tv?

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