
SUPERNATURAL!! have you ever come across anything in your life?

by  |  earlier

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Situations, things you saw, heard, felt, witnessed, been a part of, experienced that cannot be explained rationally?

Please share details





  1. In the middle east people say that the jinn come in many forms.  My aunt told me she saw the upper half of a person's body and the rest was a puff of smoke and after my mom said "in the name of God" the thing floated away.  I was sitting on my bed and i quickly looked at my wall and saw this stream of smoke disappear and i wasn't smoking a ciggy!

  2. The carport sits on the edge of a ravine near my parents home. It has 4 posts and a roof, no walls. My parents have always driven their cars forward into it and then backed out to leave.

    The day my mom decided to turn around in the driveway and reverse into the carport, the brakes broke and her and the car went backwards through the carport and down the steep ravine.

    I remember hearing my mom screaming and honking. When my dad and I ran out to the carport and peeked over the edge, we saw the car had gone almost all the way down and had been stopped and crumpled by a large tree. She was sitting in the seat looking up at us in pure terror, afraid to move. She was uninjured. With some encouragement from us, she climbed out the window and slid down to the creek. She walked about a 1/2 mile to the path leading up. My dad thought maybe she had just panicked (because she is not that good of a driver) and hit the gas instead of the brakes.

    The car was winched out of the ravine and trucked to a repair shop. When my dad called the repair shop a few days later, he was told a pin had fallen out, the brakes had malfunctioned.

    Whatever it was that made my mom decide to turn around in the driveway and reverse into the car port saved her life. She was not wearing a seat belt because she had undone it to get out and check mail at the begining of the driveway, If she had hit the tree facing forward, she would have been thrown into the windshield.

    Serendipity, supernatural, divine intervention... who knows.

  3. have seen ghosts of family and strangers, dream of /think of people that I haven't seen in a while, and then hear from them. on a whim, when i was younger, I tried a small spell, and it worked. my mother in law and i are frequently in each other's brain (accidentally). stuff like this runs in my family.

  4. Sharing details require a book which is going to be prepared.

  5. Nothing that can't be explained.  I do have unexplained phenomena within my dwelling but I don't care if there needs to be an explanation nor do I think the phenomena is worthy of making a big deal over.  Life is full of unexplained things and I am happy with that.  We let our egos tell us there is a reason for things that have no apparent cause.  Humans just have to know it all instead of just experiencing things for face value.  Like... so what.

  6. no. many people say they have seen, but their own fancies-unable to understand truth.

  7. Prayed over a cancer in a friend and it was healed.

    Dog yelped and ran away from a house I heard was haunted.

    Saw a really cool episode of Ghost Hunters at the St. Augustine Light house...I live within 50 miles of there and I will never visit the lighthouse now.

    When I was baptised I could see under the water even though my eyes were closed.

  8. Anything and everything from ghosts to general spirits to evil precenses to hauntings to possessions and much much more - I have seen it all - up to a point - those guys in the show Supernatural are see things on the extreme fringe that I have never experienced - and hope to never experience.

  9. saw ghosts

    clocks froze at time someone died


    dreaming of things and the happen

    predicting things from dreams and they happen

    out of body experiences

    and much more..

  10. have moreso since being here in Hawaii than, i think, @ any other time in my life.

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