
SURVEY: 4 guys???????

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Okay please answer theese questions 100% truthful! :D thanks!

1. personality or looks

2. skinny, curvy, or don't matter

3. athletic or not

4. shy or talketiv

5. what race do u prefer or don't matter

6. what style

7. is being musically talented a big must for u

8. does age matter

9. stupid, smart or average

10. rich, poor, or don't matter

11. what is one hobby/interest/smart about that a girl must have for u to like her

12. vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater

13. what religion or don't matter

14. got a good future going for her or don't matter

15. wants u to do everything for her or independant

16. popular or social leper

17. very pretty, not so pretty, ugly, or don't matter

ok thanks for ur help!! lol I'll be picking best answer so be very specific and if there is anything I left out that u want to add plz feel free! oh and I am just wondering bout all this stuff so dont answer with a snide remark bout me like trying to change myself or something plz only guys answer gosh




  1. 1personality

    2curvey(got to have some meat on her)

    3not(aslong sa she isnt a couch potatoe)







    10doesnt matter

    11fishing,scuba diving,similar interests


    13i dont beleive as long as she doesnt push hers

    14doesnt matter


    16she doesnt have to be popular

    17as long as i like her i dont give a sh*t

  2. i would also like to know. if they like girls with brains or body.

  3. i'm not a guy but i asked my brother which's 19 yrz old so he answered like that

    1-looks .. DUH

    2-in between

    3-not but knows how to dance

    4-talkative ( they get bored of the shy ones )

    5-don't matter

    6-my bro prefers PUNK and goth


    8-okay she has to be younger


    10-don't matter


    12-don't matter

    13-me and my bro are muslims so he choosed muslim

    14-GREAT future

    15-don't matter


    17-very so too pretty :D lOl

  4. 1. personality or looks                     both

    2. skinny, curvy, or don't matter       skinny

    3. athletic or not                             doesn't matter

    4. shy or talketiv                             talkitive

    5. what race do u prefer or don't matter        white

    6. what style                                              idk

    7. is being musically talented a big must for u    ???

    8. does age matter      does not matter           does matter

    9. stupid, smart or average        average

    10. rich, poor, or don't matter    don't matter

    11. what is one hobby/interest/smart about that a girl must have for u to like her

    12. vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater

    13. what religion or don't matter

    14. got a good future going for her or don't matter

    15. wants u to do everything for her or independant

    16. popular or social leper

    17. very pretty, not so pretty, ugly, or don't matter

  5. 1) personality

    2) normal

    3) kinda athletic

    4) talkative

    5) don't matter

    6) average

    7) no not Reilly

    8) well i would like her around my age

    9) between average and smart

    10) doesn't matter

    11) kind and likes animals

    12) doesn't matter

    13) well catholic or lutheran, but it doesn't matter

    14) good future

    15) between independent and needing me for everything

    16) doesn't matter, but particle social

    17) very pretty

    "i would also like to know. if they like girls with brains or body."

    brains, but would rather both

  6. 1. personality or looks:

    Personality as its the only way a relationship can work

    2. skinny, curvy, or don't matter:

    Yeah thats not really an issue if shes happy then who cares about size.

    3. athletic or not:

    what ever she is, i don't careeeeee

    4. shy or talketiv;

    i like shy girls but if they like to talk then its fine by me

    5. what race do u prefer or don't matter:

    All races are beautiful

    6. what style:

    what do you mean by this?

    7. is being musically talented a big must for u:

    Well ofcourse i could jam with them! :) nah lol if she doesn't have any musically talent then its fine aslong as she doesn't mind me playing my guitar.

    8. does age matter:

    yes age does matter i think

    9. stupid, smart or average

    aslong as they can spell there name, i don't mind. if she ever needed help i could help her.

    10. rich, poor, or don't matter:

    it doesn't matter really. Money not important

    11. what is one hobby/interest/smart about that a girl must have for u to like her:

    Erm they dont have to have it but i would love the girl i want to like photography, its nearly all i do when im out lol.

    12. vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater:


    13. what religion or don't matter:

    oh i don't care for religion, i'm a strong athiest. I dont care aslong as she respects my views because i will respect hers.

    14. got a good future going for her or don't matter:

    well i could build a good futre with her,

    15. wants u to do everything for her or independant

    a bit of both, i don't want to be doing everything for he but i don't mind doing a lot.

    16. popular or social leper:

    lol funny "social leper".  Well where i live i'm a social leper so i'm not bothered.

    17. very pretty, not so pretty, ugly, or don't matter:

    Any, aslong as shes a nice person

  7. 1.  Yes.

    2.  Fairly thin, though with curves, ideally some toned features.

    3.  I care not.

    4.  I care not.  As long as her prescence is enjoyable.

    5.  I don't care much, though ideally, someone who isn't white (I'm white and my instincts tell me to spread the genes, not confine them to similar genetics.  It's an evolutionary/psychology thing.)

    6.  What?

    7.  I care not.

    8.  Hopefully close to mine.

    9.  Hopefully intelligent.

    10.  I care not.  I just care if she's responsible.

    11.  Playing games, maybe?

    12.  I don't care; as long as she isn't preachy about it.

    13.  see #12.

    14.  I would hope so.

    15.  Independant, but willing to accept my help when it's offered, or willing to ask for it politely.

    16.  I care not.

    17.  If she's the one for me, she's going to look beautiful, even if others may not think so.

  8. 1. personality or looks--both

    2. skinny, curvy, or don't matter--doesnt really matter

    3. athletic or not--doesnt matter

    4. shy or talketiv--i like shy because if they talkativ they really annoiying

    5. what race do u prefer or don't matter--black hispanic ect

    6. what style--huh?

    7. is being musically talented a big must for u--yes because i love music

    8. does age matter--it has to be exceptional

    9. stupid, smart or average--stupid haha

    10. rich, poor, or don't matter--poor or rich

    11. what is one hobby/interest/smart about that a girl must have for u to like her--a thing for being nice

    12. vegetarian, vegan, or meat eater--both-not picky girls

    13. what religion or don't matter--christain

    14. got a good future going for her or don't matter--famous along with me

    15. wants u to do everything for her or independant--independant

    16. popular or social leper--popular

    17. very pretty, not so pretty, ugly, or don't matter--i dont wana date some one no one likes

  9. Here is my (honestly) TRUTHFUL answer:

    1. Personality. Looks are great, but nothing beats personality.

    2. Curvy. I'm fine with skinny, but I've always liked curvy!

    3. Athletic is a major turn-on.

    4. Doesn't matter if they are shy or talkative. Who they are inside matters.

    5. White, black, Asian... doesn't matter at all.

    6. She can have whatever style she wants, it doesn't matter.

    7. Being a musician is nice, but it is not... required...

    8. Not really, although dating someone thirty years older than you usually isn't good.

    9. Being smart is definitely a turn-on, but average is fine.

    10. Rich, poor... doesn't matter to me.

    11. She doesn't need to have any hobbies or interests. Just being herself.

    12. As long as she eats well, I'm fine with her eating whatever she wants.

    13. If she's tolerant of my religion, I'm tolerant of hers.

    14. Doesn't matter what future she may have. Although, I'd do everything I could to make sure that her future would be a good one.

    15. Independent is almost always a good thing.

    16. Geek or prom queen... doesn't matter.

    17. Because I am a guy... I'm going to have to say at least pretty... but most girls are anyway!

  10. 1. personality.

    2. slender.

    3. capable.

    4. both.

    5. doesn't matter.

    6. her own. I don't care much for preppy, scene, or any other "genre" of girl.

    7. Not a must, but welcome.

    8. Younger than myself.

    9. INTELLIGENT (a must)

    10. Doesn't matter. Won't let her pay for anything.

    11. She doesn't HAVE to have a specific hobby for me to like her, but a major turn-on would be: likes to read, writes, plays videogames, and internet.

    12. Doesn't particularly care, but it'd be easier cooking for an omnivore.

    13. Doesn't matter.

    14. Preferably knows what she's doing.

    15. Independent, but I'd insist on spoiling her.

    16. Doesn't matter.

    17. Of course a physically attractive person would be great, but I'm mature enough to realize that it doesn't matter what they look like.  

  11. You see, girl, I will help you out and answer..remember this and you shall do me a favor some day as well. muwhah

    1. Personality and looks

    2. s**y

    3. athletic

    4. shy

    5. don't matter

    6. casual

    7. nuhhh

    8. gotta be younger or same age as me

    9. stupid so I can take advantage of her

    10. rich

    11. drawing

    12. meat eater

    13. don't matter

    14. good future

    15. I will take care of her.

    16. don't matter

    17. pretty.
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