
SURVEY - Does it Ever Bother You When You See Some Tragic News and then...?

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SURVEY - Does it Ever Bother You When You See Some Tragic News and then...

You go to Yahoo and there is an Advert to the Right, Showing some Celebrities "LIPS" and asking you to "PICK" -

"Is it UMA's ??" "Is it Angline's ??"

"Take the QUIZ and get a Stupid Advert in Return"

Maybe I'm overreacting, but it put things in perspective about how "mentally ill" our Country is LOL





  1. well at least we can lol about it.

  2. I totally agree...

  3. Some provocative thoughts from Yahoo's Finest......

    Anyway, of course it bothers me. I'm not concerned with Madonna's shoe size, Lohan's coke habit, or the Olsen Twins favorite colors. Yet, I'm continually bombarded with that day in and day out.

    "How To Tell If She Likes You"

    c**p music blogs by loser writers.

    See funny video of puppy doing the moonwalk on a skateboard.

    I prefer news that is relevant to my life. Something that will make me stop and go, oh my, that directly affects my life.

    Brangelina's kids? Who cares.

    Hollywood baby names? WTF?

    You are certainly not overreacting. These are legitimate gripes by real people who just want real in return. I mean whether they're on the screen or off of it, I'm forced to watch their lives unravel with divorces, arrests, and self-righteous goodwill.

    I don't care about any of this......

    People care more about Miley Cyrus than they do the troops overseas. Oh yeah, they'll hop on the bandwagon when people bring it up, but other than that they're perfectly content with shelving it.

    np: Ryan Adams - To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)

  4. Me to. I agree.

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