
SURVEY: What was the best and worst things that happened to you this weekend??

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My best thing: My son joined the Navy

My worst thing: A friend of mine died of cancer that was just diagnosed less than two weeks ago.




  1. I am so sorry about your friend....its a terrible disease!

    Best: Family got together for a cookout

    Worst: I was too broke to get out of town for a little while....

  2. Worst- Umm got back from holiday and it's awful weather where I live :(

    Best- I found out that my 2 favourite tv programmes start again this week! Ugly betty and desperate housewives! :)

  3. sorry about your friend

    my best thing was giving blood cos it was my first time.

    my worst thing was having an argument with some customers at work who were rude.

  4. had a date with an old flame

    just a headache

  5. i had an amazing weekend... going away was the best the worst was knowing school starts this week  

  6. Nothing really it was long and boring. I did buy a rug for my Foyer.

    I'm very sorry about your Friend.

  7. the best was being with my family yesterday for a cookout, and the worst was my daughter being sick  

  8. Worst: Found out a friend of mine's wife embezzled 65K from his savings account and left him.

    Best: He agreed to go with me on a cruise in a month to help get over it :)

  9. The best thing is the beautiful dream I had with my love and the bad things is it is yet to be crushed by the unknown....


  10. All that happened it one weekend?!

    Sorry for your friend, by the way.


    best: My dad let me drive home from Krogers.

    worst: I didn't get enough sleep.

  11. Best thing:  Had a 3 day weekend

    Worst thing:  We had to leave for the hurricane and that wasn't fun

  12. Worst thing:My favorite uncle died.

    Best thing: ...................... there was nothing.  

  13. Best:  I spent a relaxing weekend with my family

    Worst:  My "ex" fiance and I are separating and he and his crazy, manipulative, controlling mother have my son and think they can keep him from me.  See you in court b****

  14. OMG i am so sorry about your condolences are with you!!! My best was spending time with family at a pool party/BBQ..the worst was when my sister threw my 2 and a half yr old son in the pool to get him used to jumping...that was uncalled for and made me soooooo pissed

  15. I'm so sorry about your friend!

    Best: My boyfriend and I had a great time on Saturday just being together and we hadn't had a whole lot of time in the past few weeks, so it was just great.

    Worst: He had to go back to work last night so now it will  be a little while before we have a day like that again!:(

    By the way, LOVE your avatar!

  16. oh my gosh! i'm so sorry. :(

    best thing: got to go to picnic with my family, and play sports with each other.

    worst thing: the state fair closed at 7:30 pm yesterday, so we only had an hour to ride.  

  17. intense weekend for you.

    best thing, i don't know

    worst thing, everything. i don't have any money right now to do anything. rents so expensive

  18. Best:  I finally hung up my new shower curtain

    Worst:  I spent all day yesterday barfing.

    I'm really sorry about your friend too, that's horribly sad.

  19. My Best thing: My family and I went to Cape Cod for the holiday.

    My Worst thing:  My best friend's parents broke up, and one of them left and ran off.  It is really sad.

  20. Ouch!  You sound like you need hugs!

      The worse thing that happened to me, was I had to work on Monday, and leave my kids at home for the first time on their own for 9 hours.  They've stayed by themselves before, just not that long.  It was scary for me.  

      But the best thing that happened, was my friend, who lives 600 miles away, spent the day on Skype with my kids, playing computer games with them, keeping them company, as he was off for the day.  When I found out he what he was doing, I was able to concentrate on work, and not worry a bit.  What a sweetheart he is!  

    Good Luck to your son.  Sorry to hear about your friend.  

  21. Best: Being at the beach all weekend at at hotel with really fun friends, lots of booze and meeting so many people!

    Worst: All the pain I am feeling from it now!  

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