
SURVEY... who would you tell you loved if there were only 4 minutes left in the world??

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SURVEY... who would you tell you loved if there were only 4 minutes left in the world??




  1. God.

  2. If there were only 4 minutes left in the world, it would be most important to tell my parents, brothers, nephew, and my dogs that I loved them.

    However...  in this technological world....  I have a feeling that if everyone knows the time clock is ticking, and trying to call all those people to say, "I love you" there is going to be a major cell phone disaster with everyone trying to call at the same time.  That and the fact that the person you are trying to call, is probably on the phone calling someone else at the same moment, and probably won't check the call waiting, or the voice mail for that matter.  

    SO -  it makes perfect sense to me that we do need to live for today, and let those that we love in our life know that we love them now.  Tell them everyday. Show them everyday! And don't wait for those last 4 minutes, because 240 seconds is a short amount of time when compared to the lifetime ( years!) that you could have been sharing this with those important people.  Besides, if someone wants to tell you that they love you, wouldn't you rather know months and years in advance, versus minutes and seconds?

    Thanks for reading!

    (Go call your MOM!! )

  3. Not a single person.

  4. Mom, Dad, Brother and dog.  Then I would try to sneak in a slice of pizza before my 4 minutes were up.

  5. I need at least 4 hours-- so-- too bad  I had not enough time.

  6. Good question, i would probably tell all of my immediate family, closest friends, and after that i would pray. Love is a special word, i don't "love" many people, even though the world should be like that, because then we would get a long better.

  7. God and my family

  8. First, my wife.  Then, any other friends and family we could contact in that short time.  Finally, my wife again.

  9. My insurance agent and lawyers so that my premiums get paid to my dependants and not siphoned or forfeited...

  10. My dad

    My one cousin

    My friends

    And my crush


    one minute for each

  11. My crush :-D

  12. Easy,Mum,Dad,my sister,my best friends,and who ever I was in a realationship with at the time.Oh,and my dog.

  13. Dear Friend,

                          I will speak with Mother Nature i.e. i will thank the Earth for bearing my weight for so many years.I will thank the Air for giving me life. I would thank the Water for sustaining me.I would thank the Space for giving me such a beautiful view. I would thank my Body for giving me such a lovely house to live in. I would Thank NOW for giving me 240 seconds more to enjoy this Lovely Life!

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