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In a Tables match how to get your opponent on the table to put them through it for the win?

I've tried the Irish Whip but I can't get 'em to lay on the table.

Please help.

I am also struggling to enter the crowd area, I have tried the irish whip again, any other way?

How to get someone in the casket on buried alive matches?

Whats the finisher?






  1. You need to put the table in the corner of the ring, then use a finisher to put them through the table!

    And you need to clothesline your opponent into the crowd!

    A finisher is a move that often ends the match, press triangle for a finisher when it says press triangle

    You could read the instruction book for more help!

    Thats all I know sorry i've only ever played it once!

  2. In the table's match, if I remember correctly, you irish whip them into the table, and they'll lean against it.  You grapple, and that'll put them on it.  You have to hurry and hit a top rope move, or utilize your finisher

    You can't enter the crowd area, aside from the one area on the announce team side in the corner.  In which case, you whip them into that little square, and then grapple when they're draped across the barrier, which should result in a cactus clothesline over the barrier.

    Casket matches have always been problems with me in these games.  The best way to do it is work up a smackdown, whip them into the casket, and then hit your special.  Depending on who your superstar is, their weight, and other factors, the finisher into the casket will varry.

  3. when you have full momentum and the table is set up irish whip the opponent into the table then when he leans on it and you are facing him press triangle to do finishing will automatically do a ddt through the table

  4. i can help you with the last two questions. ok if you wanna enter the crowd area do the irish whip to the barrier then press circle again. and to get them in the casket just irish whip them to the casket then press circle then press buttons really fast and move the analog sticks then to lock the casket, after you get them in it you have to press x when the meter gets to the bottom. Hope it helped.

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