
Saakashvili = Hitler ?

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After what he did with ossetians...




  1. Saakashvili - a miserable parody of Hitler. It is just a bloody maniac. The evening of August 7, he reassured residents of Tskhinvali, promising to cease fire. People went to theirs beds and then at their homes began firing heavy artillery of Saakashvili. Two thousand people were killed in half an hour! Even bloody Hitler  does not ever dream about it.

  2. I think you meant puten=hitler other wise this question makes no sense. Puten is the one that showed he will kill Innocent people to achieve his goals of power. There is still no independent agencies that will say Georgia killed those people in Ossetia, in my opinion it could of been the so called Russian peace keepers doing the killing and blaming the Georgians. Can Americans please pull their head out of their holes and start getting the patriotic attitude back for the love of God Russia just killed possibly thousands of people and you accuse the ones being killed, Americans help those in need wether we like it or not.

  3. No.

    What Israel resulted from Saakashvili and that answer is none.

  4. Hitler was clever, saalashvili is dumb**s

  5. Oh please, give me a break.  You have it backwards.  The president of Russia who ordered a five day assault on a nation with a tiny military and killed thousands of people in the process has no right to accuse the sovereign nation they are INVADING of genocide.  It is Vladmir Putin who is gearing up to be Europe's next fascist, not the president Saakashvili who changed a corrupt nation into a prosperous one.

  6. Saakashvili IS Hitler, he is WORSE than Hitler. He is a destroyer, murderer, he is just an idiot, plain idiot. I hate his guts for killing innocent 1600 (!) Osetian women, children and elderly in their homes, while they were asleep. Good that Russia is using all that force to kick Saakashvili's ***. b*****d!  

  7. Well, here's a comparison: he "won" the last election with "95%" vote. That's actually a statistical impossibility and widespread fraud was suspected. Then the only credible opposition politician died in mysterious circumstance. Then he attacked civilians in peacetime, because he was told he had American support, hoping to be the centre of a major world conflict between the US and Russia. He's a very nasty and dangerous man. And George W, Cheney and the rest of the New World Order judicial murderers love him. Need any more?  

  8. Sergey M its funny what u write there

    Though Medvediev- the president of Russia ordered to halt the fire - Georgian towns were Bombed and journalists fron Holland were killed form this bombing- one interesting thing - they Bombed the town of Gori-that is ABSOLUTELY controlled Bt Russians troops - not even a one single Georgian soldier there- WHY IS RUSSIA DOING IT?!

    WHile Sarkozy and Saakashvili had negotiations for peace in the regions and 6 presidents of different countries were in Tbilisi to support Georgian vicilians who were protesting Russians aggression in front of the parliament Russian troops and desants occupied other cities and sank georgian ships..

    If Russia is for peace why is he actiong like a  real fashist, even Hitler hasnt dont it to the whole world what Russia DOes with Goergia, and Rediculous how i read here the questions and posts of ppl who absolutely dont get anything about this conflict and are blind!

  9. I hate all these Hitler comparison questions.

  10. Hitler did what he wanted. Saakashvili does what another people want, but he does it in a very strange manner.

  11. I got really tired of reading russians' silly questions and answers here,

    Hey, there Sergey, stop speaking about other presidents and first think of yours and remember many facts that happened in Russia and don't forget Beslan too, where hundreds of children were killed by Putin!!!

    You are silly nation or frightened I guess, if other nations don't like something they always protest it by manifestations, Russians never protest anything, never protest!!! even the fact that Russian journalist was killed in South Ossetia by a russian sniper just because he had an order to kill all journalists

  12. Saakashvili is worse than Hitler

  13. 2 Tammi А при чем тут Беслан. Ты тупой идиот, ты вообще в курсе, что там было?? И при чем здесь Путин. Грузинские войска начали атаковать город Цхинвали (Южная Осетия) ночью, когда все спали. И заметте, они сделали это ПЕРВЫМИ. У Грузии даже жертв никаких нету, так как по гражданским объектам Россия не стреляла.. Вас американцев (америкосов/пендосов) облапошило свое же правительство...  

  14. Um, as a rule of thumb, the first person to use Hitler in  debate loses. The idea that Saddam Hussein was a Hitler is marginal at best, the idea that Saakashvili is a Hitler doesn't pass the laugh test. He is a despicable undemocratic thug who has his political opponents disappeared, but that just makes him a run-of-the-mill dictator, not a Hitler.
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