
Sabbath? 12 Questions.........? Why does my question(s) keep getting deleted?

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Ok here is my questions posted for a third time. Can anyone on here please tell me where I am in violation? This question(s) keeps getting deleted.

Sabbath? 12 Questions..

1) Which day did God bless during Creation week? Which day did God rest during Creation week.

2) What examples do we have of the early church observing the Sabbath of God?

3) Did Jesus keep the Sabbath?

4) Are we to follow Jesus' example?

5) Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. The seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD our God.

6) Did Jesus come to destroy the law?

7) What did Lord God say (concerning the Sabbath) about strangers who join themselves to him to serve him?

8) Are we not to obey God rather then man?

9) What about following God's commandments rather then man's commandments?

10) Who changed times and laws? Did not the Roman Catholic Church change the law to Sunday? Under whose authority?

11) Who teaches men to break the Sabbath commandment? Does your church teach men to break the Sabbath commandment? Do you teach others to break the Sabbath commandment?

12) If the law is done away with then why are we told to obey the commandments of God? Could it be any clearer that the commandments were not done away with including the Sabbath?

*** I will continue to ask this question until it is posted and as well as long as it continually gets removed... Principals... you understand :o)





    and our beliefs

    You post 2 many questions at once!

  2. All the answers to all your questions can be found in the Holy Bible , try reading it !! God Bless !!

  3. too many question...

    correct point...

    the Sabbath is still the Sabbath..

    Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy...

    the 4th commandment has not changed...

  4. 1. creation week?

    2. who cares if they did/

    3. he was Jewish, I would assume so

    4. no, I don't live in poverty - do you?

    5. is this a question?

    6. who's law?

    7. can't we get beyond monarchy?

    8. but your god is a man . . .

    9. see #8

    10. our calendar is subjective

    11. huh?

    12. again, who's law?  not mine

  5. 1) All but he rested on the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday)

    2) The Jews and 7th day Adventists still do.

    3) Yes

    4) Jesus was more worried about the heart and doing God's will than any one particular day.

    5) Yes... not a question.

    6) No to fulfill it as payment for the sins we can not.

    7) Jesus is the vine that feeds those that want to.

    8) We are to obey God not man.

    9) We are to obey God not man.  

        Psalms 118

           8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD

              than to trust in man.

    10) It started before the Catholic Church that they celebrated the day of Jesus' rising.  (Read Acts)

    11) In Acts the keeping of the Sabbath was not a condition put on the Gentile believers.

    You can start at Acts 11

    12) We are to obey God not man.  

    Psalms 118

    8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD

           than to trust in man.

    We should still set aside one day for God, whether it is Saturday or Sunday is a personal choice based on the Church you attend and yourself.

    God Bless


  6. I think you're supposed to limit it to one question per question. But I have no idea why anyone would bother to report this.

  7. 1) Which day did God bless during Creation week? Which day did God rest during Creation week.

    God blessed that particular seventh day. God rested on that seventh day, and that seventh day shows having no end. God is still resting from that work.  Scripture points out that we can enter into His rest while it is still called "To day".  See Hebrews 3 and 4.

    2) What examples do we have of the early church observing the Sabbath of God?

    None really. There is no example of Christians meeting and worshiping together on a sabbath.  Regardless, the Jewish Christians continued in the law. The Gentile Christians were not required to keep the law as decided on in Acts 15.

    3) Did Jesus keep the Sabbath?

    Jesus was born under the law; the old covenant.  In any event, Jesus broke the sabbath law in the letter while fulfilling the law in the spirit.

    4) Are we to follow Jesus' example?

    You mean like going into Synagogues on sabbaths and preach to Jews?  No.

    5) Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. The seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD our God.

    There is no question here.  Jesus is Lord of all. Jesus is Lord of every day.  There is nothing He is not Lord of.

    6) Did Jesus come to destroy the law?

    Jesus came to fulfill that which was written in the law and the prophets.

    7) What did Lord God say (concerning the Sabbath) about strangers who join themselves to him to serve him?

    Your citation is in regards to the old covenant, wherein the strangers had to undergo circumcision and partake of the sacrifices.  In the new covenant, strangers are joined to Christ through faith, and not law as explained by Paul in Romans.

    8) Are we not to obey God rather then man?

    Yes, and God never required Gentile converts to Christianity to keep the old covenant law.  But men have indeed tried to get Gentiles to follow them in this regard.

    9) What about following God's commandments rather then man's commandments?

    This citation is in regards to those who were under the law and not those who were not under the law.

    10) Who changed times and laws?

    According to the context, the fourth beast.

    Did not the Roman Catholic Church change the law to Sunday?

    No. They claim they did, but there is no proof of it.

    Under whose authority?

    Their own.

    11) Who teaches men to break the Sabbath commandment?

    The question is a loaded question, and implies all men are commanded to keep the sabbath.  If the new covenant does not require sabbath keeping, it being a law of faith spirit, and not the letter of the law, then today's sabbatarians are those who "change times and laws" by doing away with the law of faith.

    Does your church teach men to break the Sabbath

    commandment? Do you teach others to break the Sabbath commandment?

    Church is irrelevant.  I teach people the new covenant law for Christians, and not the old covenant law that was strictly for Israelites. You cannot be held to the conditions of a covenant you were not a party to. And in any event, that covenant ended.

    12) If the law is done away with then why are we told to obey the commandments of God? Could it be any clearer that the commandments were not done away with including the Sabbath?

    You assume the commandments of God are the old covenant commandments of God that were intended for Israel.  Don't base your beliefs on assumptions.


  8. because you are asking too many questions in one post you moron. Cut it down a bit

  9. this sucks. i thought you meant black sabbath.  

  10. 1. Saturday

    2. The early Church was made up mostly of Jews, they observed Sabbath on Saturday

    3. Yes


    5. That is a statement not a question. But I agree.

    6. No, He came to fulfill it.

    7.That they too must observe His sabbath

    8. yes

    9. Yes we are supposed to follow God's commandments, not mans.

    10. Yes they did. As a means of folding the pagans in.

    11. I don't attend Church, but i see where you're going..

    12. Not done away with, but Christ fulfilled the requirement of breaking the law, as we could not uphold them ourselves with perfection.

  11. Too many questions.

    And too many of them are trivial.

  12. You're right - the Jewish sabbath was never abolished by Jesus or Paul for that matter.

    Have a good day!

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