
Saddam Hussein had a trial. Why does Bush trust Iraqi courts more than he does American ones?

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Saddam Hussein was accused of horrific crimes against humanity and yet received a televised public trial with benefit of counsel and the ability to cross-examine the witnesses and evidence against him. Why does George W. Bush believe no American court would be capable of meeting these same basic standards with the suspected terrorists in custody?




  1. Because Iraqi courts dont have the liberal crackpot judges that some American courts do.  Check out the record of some of the Federal judges in the San Fran area who in the past have let convicted child molesters and rapists out.  Bush knows these liberal judges will make decisions on these dangerous criminals just to stick it to him.

  2. Because GWB wants to see justice served.... a rare commodity here in the states lately.

  3. YouTube Saddam Hussein in Portugal. A recent live television news video report. If you done any study of CFR, then you would know who Saddam truly is.

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