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i have a few questions:

1. was it iraq's choice to hang saddam?

2. does iraq still want the u.s. out of their country? if so why?

can u send me the websites u used to find the answers?

thanks a lot! :)




  1. 1. Saddam's trial was based upon evidence presented by the UN Tribunal for War Crimes

    The Iraqi people had no say in it, his charges or anything to do with it for that matter

    The decision to execute Saddam was made solely upon his conviction in one case, the execution of Shiites in the 1991/92 Uprising in Iraq (where Shiites tried to overthrow Saddam because they thought the US would support them, they didn't and they got slaughtered obviously)

    2. Yes they do. I mean do you watch the news? Why do you think the country is still in complete chaos after 5 years of occupation?

    That should give u a little hint. The Iraqi's are worse off now than they were under Saddam

    Say what you like about him, Iraqis actually had food, water and electricity under Saddam's rule and could live their lives without the fear of a bomb dropping on their homes in their sleep

    The US fked up the country and turned back the clock for them by about 30 years

    Iraq will not be stable for many generations to come thanks to American intervention

    Read here about Iraqi opinions on the US occupation:

    The "why" is plainly obvious to see...

    The US is a foreign occupier, they started this war under false pretences and now Iraqis are paying the price for Bush's mistakes

    Most don't even care that your trying to rebuild their country or help them, that's not the point

    the point is the US invaded without any justification (remember no WMD's found, no links to Bin Laden), it's the principal, you destroyed their entire country based upon evidence which was outright lies

  2. 1. Iraq does not exist as a single unified country with the exception of maps, articles and books.  The so-called government of Iraq doesn't control the most of the what is shown on maps to be the territory of Iraq.  The Kurdish government effectively controls large parts of the territory of Iraq.  Never-the-less the hanging of Saddam most likely would have been approved if the Iraqi people could have decide on it.

    2. No country want to be occupied.  Occupation is tolerable if most people experience an improvement in their lives.  Many USA invasions and occupations have achieved little or nothing of value.  

    Here are some examples from Wikipedia:

    1994 invasion of Haiti by a multinational force (MNF) led by the United States

    1970 invasion of Cambodia by the United States and South Vietnam

    1965 invasion of Dominican Republic by United States and OAS

    1962 invasions of South Vietnam by the United States

    1961 invasion of Cuba by Cuban allies of the United States, particularly its CIA

    1915 invasion of Haiti by the United States

    1898 invasion of the Philippines by the United States

    1898 invasion of Puerto Rico by the United States

    1898 invasion of Spanish Cuba by the United States

    1871 invasion of Korea by the United States

    1846 invasion of Mexico by United States

    1813 invasion of Canada by United States

    1812 invasions of Canada by United States

    1805 invasion of Tripoli by United States and mercenaries

    1775 invasion of Canada by the United States

  3. 1. I don't know, and it is hard to know, for a few reasons.

    2. Most likely, because US troops are not gentle with the Iraqi population or with any other population they occupy, to say the very least.

    What one can be sure of is, that the Sony  population of Iraq wasn't happy about Saddam's execution, and it would very much like US troops to leave  Iraq.
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