
Saddest Story of a Teenager. ?

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I just moved to this new state because I couldn't face my new pregnancy at my old school with all those mean kids that would throw food at me at lunch and follow me to the bathroom to give me swirlies, I could barely sit in class as people stared, laughed, called me names, spit spitballs at me, and threw my books and crumbled my paper. They would spread nasty rumors and invite me to imagenary parties. Its been hard this past year in 3 middle schools. I've been taken advantage by boys and accused of things by girls. I'm at this new school will my belly huge. The teachers avoid any small talk and kids barely will look at me as my boil on my cheek keeps getting bigger. Though I met this one amaziong guy who was apart of the gleek club and he said that I was beautiful and he wanted to marry me. But then he got me to drink event hough I was pregnant. He poushes me around and hes cheated on me alot but hes all i have in this big scary world. I just came here so I could talk to someone, that wouldn't judge so fast.




  1. Just keep on thing in mind.

    "Sticks and Stones may break my bones,

    but sticks and stones can never break me."

    Don't think about what other people think! They are people who have never been through what you are going through right now, and if they took the time to step into your shoes and experience what it's like to be pregnant while being a teen, they would feel the same way you do.

  2. mmm it kinda sounds like "the secret life of the american teenager" without all the teasing and with the kid wanting to marry her.

    i dont think you should stay in school while your pregnant. wait until its over and see where you wanna take it from there  

  3. if u need somone to talk to email me at

  4. First of all drop the guy, you deserve better. I know it is hard especially in your situation and it is easy to fall for the first person who pays you good attention but please don't let him overpower you. It sounds like you have had a very tough time and for that I am sorry people can be so d**n mean and it really makes me sick. You are a person and just like anyone else you deserve respect and happiness and I truely hope you find it. You can e-mail me anytime if you just want to talk okay. I was in your situation as a teen and it was tough but you can make it I promise. It won't be easy but it sounds like you have been pretty strong so far so keep up the good work but get rid of the guy because he is just using you.

  5. dump the guy.  hes obviously a jerk and not worth ur time. and u know people shouldnt be judging u becuz of ur mistakes. stupid people. wel good luck. :) hope this helps

  6. you are going to a really rough time. If you have family members around try to get closer to them. Go to Church and talk to a nun or a priest who will give you some advice and pray with you. They will make you feel a lot calmer. God loves all of us. Start with confession if you are christian and half your battle will be one. As soon as you confess your sins, the healing process begins and things start improving.

  7. A guy  who takes you to a party to drink and treats you poorly id not what you need or deserve. Your priorities should be to take care of yourself, your baby and to get through school. This guy is a loser...and you don't "have" him. He clearly doesn't care about you and I think you know this. You need to get away from him because he has already shown he doesn't care and he's abusive. Tell your parents...a counselor....your there anyone there you can trust to talk to? Forget the guy and concentrate on yourself and your child and your plans for the future. Please take care of yourself.

  8. that is sad i use to be nerd and get picked on alot and especilly since i was a chubby and i  found a girl to love when i was a nerd and she moved without saying goodbye and im still not popular yet but im getting i have acne to but i became aggrasive to other people and people started to respect shouldnt even listen to those people just ingnnor them and live your life and one youll be so much happier than them

  9. have you thought of going to a counselor or therapist? From past experience they have helped me a lot! What about your parents? Can they help you get into a class or anything?

  10. I suggest going into Independent Study with school.

    Also, go down to your local clinic.

    Talk to them about the guy you are with and explain to them your situation, they won't judge you and will listen.  

  11. You didn't say where your parents were.  You should not have to live like this after all you did keep the baby and not have an abortion.

    Your parents should have taken you out of school for a year  and put you in a home for unwed mothers.  Then you would not have had to go through all you have been through.  After the baby was born you could have gone back to you old school and no one would have had to know about the baby unless you told them.

    I am sorry you got yourself in a family way so young.  I could tell you how irresponsible you were to let anyone talk you into having s*x.  But you don't want to here it and besides it's to late.

    You are going to have a baby and having a baby is exciting and they are so tiny and precious.  It is also a lot of work and responsibility.

    About the jerk who you say is all you have, you don't have him if he pushes you around.  I don't

    know what event hough is but it can't be good for you.  I would advise you that not having anyone is better than this creep.  Say good-bye and good riddance to him.

    Good luck to you and the baby!

  12. Get away from him, he wants to take advatage of you.

    Drinking can harm the baby.

    I would ask my parents to be home-schooled... intill I got the baby out.

    Or you can run away.. To a different town thats really small.

    Become best friends with your child?

    And be good friends with everyone in the small town?

    Get a job in the small town in an Inn and work your self up into a manager.

    Be a Gilmore Girl.

  13. find a support group look under pregnancy aid in the yellow pages there should be organizations that help your situation and have others to relate to

  14. Just do what your heart tells you <<<<<3

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