The horse I'm (half) leasing has got a very small (about the size of a dime) saddle sore on his back, near his withers.
The previous owner sold him to a new barn, and the new owner now has a young boy taking lessons on him aside from me leasing him-so they have been putting a smaller saddle on him and I am certain this is what is causing it.
I've been putting a special pad on under the saddle, and the sore is looking a TON better-but I am wondering if there is any sort of ointment I can put on it to help it heal, and also to have in handy in case it comes back (which hopefully, it will not). I have mentioned it to the owner, and she says she's going to keep an eye on it-but I'd like to do my job and make sure it gets better as well. He's her horse, so I can't exactly tell her what she can and can't do with him, but hopefully something will change with that boy using a saddle which clearly doesn't fit poor Cappy's back. =[
Anyway, suggestions to help it heal would be greatly appreciated! =]