
Sadness! y!?

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i am really sad i hav bad anger poblems for a 13 year old girl and when i get mad i hit my self with the bottom of my palm 5 times to my head. i hate all my friends but they dont leave alone and wont let me not be their friend. i am always in my room and go weeks before stepping outside. my parents always yell at me and i hate everyone and everything. i had tried pills once that helped but hav no more and my mom wont let me see a therapist. y am i lik this?




  1. Wow...sounds tough. You really should go to a porfessioanl. but if your mom won't let see someone (which I think is really stupid of her) you need to talk to someone, anyone, just let it out. I would also try writing in a diary, that helps alot of people. And I think you should go to some type of free support group for anger or just a support group in general to talk about life and issues. Because when you hold it all up inside, it bulids up and eventually you'll explode. I would really reccomend sitting down and having a serious chat with your mom, (i reccomend having a trusted adult there to back you up)  you need to explain to her why you need to go see a therapeist or counsler. O and I think you should talk to your shcools guidance counsler or one of you teachers they could really help. I hope some of my advice helps. God Bless

  2. You really need to see a therapist. You have anger issues. How about your dad? or a friends mom? Find someone who can take you!

  3. You are 13.

    You have angst.

    It is a phase, don't try to say it isn't.

    You'll get over it.

    Believe me, you're far from abnormal. Every 13 year old is exactly like this. Take comfort in knowing you'll mature out of it and you're not alone.

    In the meantime, try to find an outlet for your feelings. Take up writing, drawing, painting, or working out. Find some way to express your feelings that doesn't involve hating people or hitting yourself in the head.

  4. TELL ME ABOUT IT... I was exactly the same way!! I hated my life, I hated the people in it! What helped me is MUSIC!! Its just a phase! I use to write in a Journal... That helped me threw the worst times in my life @ that age! Once I would calm down and got over what I was mad @! I would read it aloud! It helped me threw my hard times!! Y don't u talk to a teacher or a counselor? Since you can't talk to a friend or mom!!! Pills? Y? Life is Beautiful but I know when I was your  age I was still to blind to c it!!

  5. You need to seek help. Talk to someone which is very close to you. Calm yourself first, talk to your dad or mum regarding your matters.You have mention that you have tried pills once it's help, don't stop medication till your doctor say you are fully recover. Let your mum know your problems. You really needs therapist or counselling as psychiatry will be best to help your problems. Hope your parents will understand you after you speak to them. If not, talk to your teacher about your problems.
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