Hi, Our FrancisFrancis X1 has a broken heating element. We saw your entry that the SAECO heating element is a good substitute. We have searched the web using your model number, but can't seem to find it.We saw something very similar, and would like to ask if this web page has the exact same element you are talking about:http://www.espressoparts-usa.com/product/SAE_18?meta=FRG&utm_source=GBASE&utm_medium=CPC&utm_content=&utm_campaign=If it is the same, then we will order the element and do the repair ourselves. Sorry to be so particular, but this part, once ordered, can not be returned. We have tried to contact various repair shops in the area to try and see the part in person (we live in Southren California), but they don't handle home espresso machine parts. Any further advice you can give would be extremely helpful. Thank you!