
Safe dance. how do i find some safe dance moves, i cant dance but i dont want to embarass myself.?

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Safe dance. how do i find some safe dance moves, i cant dance but i dont want to embarass myself.?




  1. I am assuming you mean safe moves to do at a party or club, right?

    I would suggest to watch music videos, mybe look up videos on you tube and try out some moves that look simple to you.  Then practice!

    Here's one to get you started:

    If all else fails just get up and move to the music, but keep your feet still lol!

  2. hahahaha safe dance moves??? no such thing im sorry with every dance move there is a danger of getting hurt

  3. the idea of dancing for a club/party/for fun is ITS NOT SUPPOSED to be safe. if its safe your not taking a risk and wont get noticed or stand out.

    look at breakdancers....what they do is so marveled at because it is physcially risky, but also meantally...ur in the middle of a circle of people everyone is are taking a risk showing what you got....maybe they won't like it?

    just go krazy dude. have fun, danc like there is no tomorow, the only people that notice if your dancing bad are the ones who are not dancing and watching from the side lines. They themselves are too nervous to step foot on da dance floor!!! forget them!!!!

    GO krazy!!! dance the night away!!!!  peace.

  4. pull a micheal jackson and pull your crotch... multiple times

    just kidding i think you don't want to kow about technique and pointe work so you have to move to the music. or if thats to vague salsa merengue bachata are tyes of hispanic dancing that require very little steps but a lot of flavor very easy though. or stepping if you have never heard of it never mind

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