
Safe drowsy medicine while pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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my fiance is pregnant and has a cold i know she needs more rest and needs to keep her fluids up and all that stuff, but the sleep part is the problem. We both have problems sleeping because its hot and our mattress isnt the best in the world, so i was wondering is there any safe medicine she can take that will make her drowsy? i know its ok for her to take tylenal, anything else?




  1. First, you can get a fan which is not that expensive. A fan can reduce the temperature by about 5 degrees. If its very hot, you can even have the fan blow directly while you sleep. This may not be recommended though if your fiances cold is really bad.

    Another thing you can do for better rest is to go and take a walk. Even with a cold, it is good to go out and extrovert and she will recover faster.

    Then there is having a glass of warm milk which contains natural tryptofane (a chemical known to relax and help sleep).

    Please do not do anything or have her take anything which may endanger the pregnancy and the health of the baby.

  2. ask your doctor or pharmacist

  3. ask a doc meanwhile only chicken soup and hot teas with lemon and honey

  4. dramamaine the motion sickness medicane makes you sleep like a baby!

  5. First........Congrats on the baby!  

    Now to your Question.

    Until you can see/talk to your doctor about cold an flu medicens, a cool bath and a cool compress will also help bring down your own body tempature.  Also a fan will help keep the room cooler.  Find a fan that has a quiet mode on it.

    Sorry that I'm not a doctor.

    Congrats again on the BABY!!

    Good Luck Kiddos!!-D

  6. tylenol pm!  It's really the only safe thing for a prego that is chemical based.  But it will knock her out.

    If not there are herbal alternatives called melatonin, mugwort, and passion flower which are all very effective sleep aids.

    In addition have her quit eating 1 hour before bed.

    Sleep where there are no lights or electronics.

    Make the temp as comfortable as possible since your matteress sucks.

    Use the bedroom only for sleep.

    Make a to-do list before you lay down.

    Have her sleep alone!!!

  7. heck no.

  8. instead of putting your money in the medicine, y dont you go for a better mattress which would help you in resting well and sleeping well. Dont go for medicines without consulting your gaeno.

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