
Safe or Out (video inside)

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Hey, this is a play at the end of the Marlins - Cubs game, bottom of the 9th. The game was played 7/26/08... the game is tied in the bottom of the ninth, Mark DeRosa at the plate (I was at this game btw)

You are the ump, UN-BIASED, safe or out?




  1. im completely unbiased (a's fan) but i think he is out. also when he slid they're was a cloud of dust which may of caused some confusion

  2. He was out because that's what the ump called him.  However if he didn't watch the ball when he was running and ran through the bag instead of sliding he would have easily been safe.

    There's no reason to slide into first unless you're avoiding a tag.  It actually slows you down and makes it tougher for the ump to make the call.  If I was the umpire I probably would have called him out as well.

  3. Looked like he got to the bag before the ball got in the fielder's glove. Should've been called safe - bad call on the ump's part!!!

  4. i'd say out

  5. out

  6. SAFE!look like he touched the plate first

  7. I saw this play watching on TV.  I want to first say that Rob Drake (the first base umpire here) is a complete ego maniac.  He's the guy that tossed Lou and Sinatro in this game and also tossed Lou in the White Sox game when Lou had his back to him and wasn't even talking to him. He's also tossed Ozzie Guillen.  Lou has appealed to have him removed from major league baseball and sent back to the minors, he's up here filling in for vacationing umps.  Back to the play though, watching it in full speed I thought he was safe without question.  After watching replay after replay after replay, Len, Bob and I came to the conclusion that the correct call was made.  DeRosa was out by a matter of inches.

  8. I was at the game as well...

    very close play and I still don't know if he was safe or out, but it was what it was, and that can't be changed... he is out... was out, and will always be out...

    Now If he didnt slide... He's safe... but that was his call, he is a big leaguer, I AM NOT.

  9. He looked safe but barely. Besides isn't that the minor league umpire?.

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