
Safe to open your ps3???

by  |  earlier

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hello people, i have a question, i am on vacation to france for 4 weeks, but in the first week, my ps3 broke, it stoppen reading discs, every time i put a disc in, i see the little bubble in the upper right corner, but no disc thumbnail, my question is: if i open it, i know i will lose my warranty, but if i do that, will sony still fix it for 150 $, or will they not fix it at all? can somebody give me full details? thank you.




  1. If you void your own warranty, Sony will fix it for $150.

  2. PS3's have anthrax installe din them, if you open it you will die

  3. yea if you still have the warranty card then send it back to Sony they will repair it for free(only if you have the warranty card)or if you don't have the warranty card they will repair it for $150.

  4. i called sony and asked them if i opend my ps3 would i be able to send it back for a refurb for 150 and they TOLD ME NO we will not take your ps3 once it has been opend thats what they told me cuz it was opened so think about it b4 you do it  

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