
Safe to your newborn to sleep in the bed with you ?

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everybody says its good to have your baby in bed with you , but i think its dangerous what if i rolled onto my baby they all say you wont and you will know but how will i know if I'm asleep . should i wait till my baby is bigger , say 7 month ?




  1. my ex's mom used to freak out if she saw the baby laying in bed with me or on the couch. I never rolled on top of either one of my babies. First of all when they slept next to me i would constantly wake up when i moved to watch for them, and second when i was asleep i was so exhausted i was not very restless, and moved very little anyway. It's all up to the parents, if you feel like you can handle waking up and not squashing your baby then go ahead,  if not then don't stress maternal instincts are great!

  2. Trust me my son is 3 and he still sleeps with me. I was a deep sleeper but once you become a mom everything changes. Even though I heard of this lady who actually rolled on top of her baby and pop her eyes out and i don't remember if the baby die but i know her eye were like boom!!!

  3. Well it depends on your sleeping arrangement and how heavy or light a sleeper you are.  I have always co-slept with my daughter.  It was just easier because I didn't have to go across the house and when she woke up in the middle of the night.  I am a very light sleeper so any movement will wake up especially if it is my baby.  Also for the first 6 months I used only two pillows on  the bed (I generally like several) and I never put the blanket up past my waist so that is was never anywhere near my baby.

    Also if you co-sleep don't do it if you have been drinking or taking sleep pills or any other medicine that makes you drowsy.  This can make it very dangerous for the baby.

  4. I've co-slept with my son since he was born.  I used to be a very deep sleeper, but since he's been in the bed with me, if he even wiggles, I wake up.  Things change once you become a mom, and I believe this is one of the changes.

    If you wait until he's 7 months, I wouldn't start at all.  Just my opinion.

  5. I agree I would never sleep with my baby, never. I am sure lots of parents has and everything turns out fine, but I actually heard that it increases sids by 43% (ready for the thumbs down but its true) You could not only roll over, but the softness of the bed (they want babies on a firm matress) and the blankets and pillows could go on top of them also. I would say I would never sleep with my child until they are able to climb into bed with me. I dont want to risk it, but its really up to you.

    Edit: I love how people put down (thumbs down) others opinions, in short do what you feel is best for you, to keep your mind at ease. I would love to sleep with my daughter but I wouldnt feel comfortable and I would be up most of the night making sure I didnt roll over, to me there isnt much of a difference between sleeping in a crib and in a bed besides the security it has by having my daughter sleeping in a seperate bed. If anything put a bed in the babies room, or a crib in your room so you can sleep in the same room as your child. Thats what I do, and I love watching her sleep, with security knowing I am still right there for her when she needs me.

  6. I would recommend keeping the baby on your side and not in the middle.    Get a bassinet you can attach to the bed or a co-sleeper with raised wall to prevent you rolling over on the baby.  A study showed that mother's tend to curl themselves around the baby and unless they are drunk or on drugs do not roll over on the babies.  Still I would take precautions.    

  7. I have taken naps with my son in my bed with out my hubby in there. But I wouldnt sleep the whole night with him in the bed. I read in the baby books on parents who desperately want to break their child of that habit so if you dont start it, then you dont have to worry about it.  

  8. Babies have been sleeping with their mothers for 100,000 to millions of years because it was the only safe place. This abandon the baby in another room habit is an upper class habit that neurotic defectives started back in the middle ages. Study the history of those "elites" they where a bunch of seriously messed up humans, that's what abandonment does to babies. The only mothers who crush their babies in their sleep are those under the influence of  alcohol or drugs.

  9. There's two schools of thought on this one. I go with the side that DOESN'T have the baby in the bed with you. Not only might you roll on it and accidentally suffocate it, but it teaches the baby to only go to sleep with you next to them, and causes problems in the marriage, and when it comes time to move them to their own bed, they have to learn to sleep all over again.

    When my baby gets here, it will always be put down to sleep in it's own room and crib/bed.

  10. Unless you are drunk or on drugs or a VERY heavy sleeper, you will not roll onto your baby.  (How often do you fall out of bed at night?  Never, I'll wager.  You just 'know' that the edge of the bed is there. Similarly, you 'know' even when you're asleep, that the baby is there.)

    If your bed is arranged in a safe manner (no gaps between bed and wall for baby to slip into, no fluffy pillows or comforters) and you are non-smoker, co-sleeping is very, very safe.  

    If you want the benefits of co-sleeping (reduced SIDS rate, easier breastfeeding, more sleep) but aren't comfortable with it, consider a side-car co-sleeper or one of the various 'nests' that are now commercially available.  

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