
Safina or Ivanovic ?!?

by Guest56306  |  earlier

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I hope Safina does, i just find her sooo entertaining to watch she`s really brought women`s tennis alive. The way she`s came back throughout her matches to win is exciting, i say she deserves it. I mean lets be honest if Ivanovic had half the competition she was suppose to meet in this tournament would she be this far ? Hey who knows she might be, i say she got lucky with most of her opposition eliminated. Dont get me wrong i like her i just dont think she deserves the title this year as much as Safina does.

Go Safina.!!! x*x




  1. safina!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Although Ivanovic will become number 1 Monday I will be pulling for Safina.  She's worked hard to get where she is now and not to take anything away from Ivanovic I am a fan of hers also but I will be supporting Safina on this match.

  3. It definitely Safina...the way she is playing at the moment is amazing & she is now on winning streak from Berlin; her sytle of playing is well suited to clay & she got an awesome forehand & of the most powerful at the moment..

  4. safina!!!

    too bad her hot brother won't be there tomorrow cheering for her!! hehe

    go dinara!!

  5. Yeah i want Safina to win too but not because I like her but more so because I dislike ivanovic. All those hand punches during the jankovic game (who i wanted to win) were a bit much and also Safina is the underdog so thats just another reason why i'll be going for her

  6. ivanovic

  7. i will go with Ivanovic it's her time to shine.

  8. Ivanovic.  But I think Safina will win a slam one of these days; just not tomorrow.

  9. nuh uh, go ana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. go safina!

  11. Ajde Ana!!!!
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