
Sagittarius and leo relationship?

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  1. It can be the greatest or the worst. At the end it all comes down to the compatibility chart.

    that is why I do not like sun sign astrology only.

    Can be a great team but worst enemies also....

    It really depends on the individual. You just cannot "fix a group" with another "group" just like that..

    Am Sag and I had the greatest or the most awful relationships with Leo males.

    But females : I seem to get on OK........have sun sag with very close trines to moon and mars in leo.

  2. Hi Stef

    Fire and Fire. Lots of energy and excitement here since both tend to take love as an adventure. Both are passionate and have trouble controlling each other for long. Sagittarius will stimulate Leo intellectually and emotionally and Leo needs this. Leo's open-mindedness appeals to Sagittarius' extrovert personality. You both love freedom and like socializing and find it quite satisfying.

    On the other side, Sagittarius don't commitit easily and Leo has all the chances of making them commit and their leading abilities bring out the best of a Sagittarius.

    As for being the boss, Sagittarius doesn't mind and this will appeal to Leo.

    Because both are fire signs, you can expect some strong argument and harsh words when you don't agree on some issues. Sagittarius is blunt and tell it to your face making Leo feel insecure. Because of their flexible sign, they rarely stay with anyone for a long time except for Leo.

    Sexually, you can expect playfulness and passion going all the way like Leo. Don't rush though and don't be careless. Sagittarius doesn't want to live in a cage and Leo has to give them freedom to move. This way, Sagittarius will keep coming back for more.

    If Leo does not try to tame this one, and does not condemn and argue over the sexual indiscretions that Sagittarius commits, the match will go a long way.  

  3. Sagittarius and Leo:

    When these two powerful signs collide, there is no stopping them. Both are fire signs and will love playing together. It is only a matter of time before these two challenging signs attract and “get a room”. This relationship can work but boundaries must be established early on and only if both want to make it last. Both are stubborn, reliable and loyal by nature so there is an element of lasting potential to be had. Problems arise when Sagittarius is not stroking Leo’s tender ego. Leo will need lots of praise and compliments. Sagittarius over time will maintain that Leo is a keeper and vice versa. Leo could feel too restricted with Sagittarius over time. Give each other space and make sure that this is not a rebound relationship. Sagittarius could walk away with a broken heart if Leo is looking for a one-night stand. Both should be careful here for best results!

    Hope this helps!

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