
Saladin Anatomy and Physiology 4e US vs. international?

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Hi everyone,

I am trying to find a text book by Saladin named Anatomy and Physiology online. I have been successful in finding it online however I can only seem to find the international version for cheap. I need the cd to come with it as well. So basically my question is what is the difference between the US version and the International version and which one comes with the cd I need. I also am trying the find an Anatomy and Physiology Lab Manuel by Marieb(cat edition) for cheap. I am trying to get them both under $200. My school is charging that for just the book by Saladin so I am not planning on buying them there. Thank you!!!!




  1. Look at the Saladin website.

    Books are revised every 2 years or so (a soapbox that I can go on and on about...) so unless you have some lovely people from the Saladin textbook manufacturing company here tonight, it is too oddly specific for us here.  It has been awhile since many of us were in undergrad (but those were the years...)


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