
Salafi, Wahabi, Deobandi--WHO ARE these people?

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and why do most of the muslims i meet hate hearing these names.................




  1. They are just the ways to divide Muslims and to divert their attentions from their sole aim.Allah never divided Islam into sects, no ayat and hadees speaks about its existence..

  2. people didn't realize the Truth yet!!

    i don't get hate on hearing these people!!

    they are Muslims!!

  3. they call themselves each practicing something deeper in islam. they hat to hear it because they think there only one muslim and thats the salafies but there wrong. but if I were u I would just call them a muslim

  4. I agree with sister Hanabee above.

    If Salafi is to mean the followers of Salaf Salih (the Sahaba and the first two generations) , then we all must be a Salafi to follow the Holy Quran, Sunna in their footsteps and as per their understanding. However there are few that claim they are the only salafi and to make a Salafi Mazhab is a false and it is making of sect in Islam.

    Wahhabi and Deouband are names of schools of thought after their reformists.  Wahhabi was termed after Abdul Wahhab and those who followed his teachings to strictly follow the ways of Salaf Salih.  Deouband is an old age School like Al-Azhar in Egypt which was established by Qasim Nanootawi in British India.  The Islam was preserved in India through Deoband and many other schools at times of British rule and the Scholars are famous for fighting against the British and protecting Muslims against conversions.  If there would have no efforts after these reformists, we would see Islamic world a different today with Qadiyanism and many other isms.

    So it is easy to sit in air condition rooms eating five times meal and say all others are deviated except me and my school. I say fear Allah for those who call other Muslims are deviated blindly with no evidence. Those who accuse of Deoband School as deviated Sufi is completely false. They can never bring any evidence to that. It is those who don't know the difference between Barelvi sect and other Muslims in India (Barelvi are a group in Indian sub-continets who are behind the graves of pious and do tawaf and sujood around and commit Shirk) But not  Deoband as what I know.

    One will never know the condition of Ummah unless one strives amongst them and sacrifice for this Deen. So be amongst those who practice Islam upon true knowledge  and carry it's light. Allah will then make use of those having the qualities which he loves for His service and guidance for many.

    May Allah make all of us among His good devotees and may Allah guide all and forgive all Muslims.

  5. Shia's made the word wahabi, ok so that word shouldn't even exist cos its not a sect.   Shia's made up that word to call Salafi's that, and the "true" Muslims.

    Salafi's should not label themselves, that's wrong.

    If u  :

    * Believe in Laaillaha illallah.  There is only ONE god, Allah

    * Believe that the Prophet s.a.w is the LAST prophet

    * Believe in the Angels

    * Believe in the all the prophet's of Allah swt

    * Believe in that fate good and bad is only given by Allah

    * Believe in all of Allah swt Books but the Quran is the final Revelation

    * Believe in Akirah (Day of Judgement)

    * They try and follow the ALL the five pillars to the best of their ability

    * Respect the companions of Islam

    (have i missed anything???)

    Anyways if u believe in all the above then u do not even need to label urselves.  U can say what Allah swt has called all of us, "mu'minoons" the Believers. :D

  6. salam

    Please see my posts about the Salafists at and;... .

    The Wahhabi sect is also called the Salafi sect. Deobandis are one of the sub-schools of the Hanafi madhhab. In and of itself, the Deobandi school is legitimate. However, some people who follow the deobandi school have been influenced by Salafist propoganda.

    Salafism has only been around for a couple of centuries. It began as a breakaway from the Hanbali madhhab of Sunni Islam, but no longer resembles either the Hanbali madhhab in particular or Sunni Islam in general. The Salafist departure from traditional Islamic scholarship has resulted in differences in theology and in jurisprudence. The reasons that the beliefs of the Salafists are frowned on is that most of them involve tajsim, or attributing body/mass to Allah. This is the main difference between Sunni (and Shia) `aqidah and Wahhabi `aqidah. In addition the attribution of a literal body to Allah, Salafists have adopted the belief that the Prophets are not protected from minor sins.

    In terms of scholarly method, the sect rejects the idea that it is necessary to follow the rulings of one qualified scholar or a school of qualified scholars.

    Most Salafists profess that God has a literal body. This is because of their tendency towards the literal interpretation of Islamic source-texts such as the Qur'an and the Ahadith. There are also other theological differences, but this is the most major. Neither Sunni nor Shia Muslims accept this literalist interpretation of Islamic texts and the resulting literalist view of God.

    In terms of practise, Salafists reject the validity of intercession. Their basic worship, the salat (prayers), is a hodge-podge of aspects of salat according to the various schools of thought in Sunni Islam. This happened because of the picking and choosing that occurred when the sect was formed. They have also deviated from accepted methods of purifying objects from najisat; and they have changed certain rulings pertaining to wudu.

    Salafist methods, beliefs, and practises are rejected by both Shia and Sunni Islam.

    There are several articles about this issue. One can find them at or . Another source of reliable information about Sunni Islam is . "The Beliefs of the Sunni Way"

    Literalism and the Attributes of Allah

    Is Salafi Aqida the Same as Sunni Aqida?

    Who or What is a Salafi?

    Matters of belief, and the difference between mainstream Sunnis and Salafis

    The Doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah Versus the "Salafi" Movement

    Wahhabism and Its Refutation by the Ahl as-Sunnat

    Al-Albani Unveiled: An Exposition of His Errors and other important issues

  7. because may b all the muslims u meet are part of another sect. :) or not very practicing Muslim?

    Salaafis are

    The ones who hate them, calls them wahhabi...

    deobandi-tableeghi are sects that came from sufism.  check out and the links on the right column has infor about deobandi.  there is also an e-book online I believe also available in urdu if that's the language u speak.

    about tableeghi

  8. Salafee:

    Imaam Aboo Muhammad al-Hasan bin Abee al-Mudhaffar as-Sam'aanee said in his definition of "as-Salafee",

    السلفي؛ بفتح السين واللام وفي آخرها فاء: هذه النسبة إلى السلف، وانتحال مذاهبهم على ما سعمت منهم

    ((As-Salafee: with a fat-hah on the Seen and the Laam and in the end is Faa. This is an ascription to the Salaf and following their ways, in that which is related from them.)) (al-Insaab (3/273))

    al-Bayjooree said in his Sharh Jawharah at-Tawheed on page 111:

    والمراد بمن سلف من تقدم من الأنبياء والصحابة والتابعين وتابعيهم

    ((And the intent of those who precede (salaf) are those who came before from the Prophets and the Sahaabah and the Taabi'een and those who followed them))

    Imaam adh-Dhahabee in volume 6 on page 21 of his Siyaar A’laam an-Nubalaa said about Aboo Taahir as-Salafee, the Haafidh Ahmad bin Muhammad:

    السلفي بفتحتين وهو من كان على مذهب السلف

    ((as-Salafee: with a fat-hatayn, and he is the one who is upon the Madhhab of the salaf))


    The enemies of Islaam use the term Wahhaabi as an attack towards the people who call to Tawheed.

    Haneef Oliver said in his "The Wahhabi Myth":

    The word "Wahabism" is in fact nothing but a meaningless appellation which is used by people in two cases: The term "Wahabism" is often used to describe those who closely stick to the verses of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) in all religious affairs. Consequently, instead of directly attacking Islam for those things that do not appeal to their desires, they call anyone who follows these texts "Wahabis."

    End Quote (

    Al-Wahhaab الوهاب is an attribute of Allaah. So linguistically a Wahhaabi is one who follows Al-Wahhaab.

    But the enemies of Islaam use the term Wahhaabi to refer to those who followed the da'wah of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab. Were they truthful they would say "Muhammadi" because even if you ascribed Wahhaabi to Abdul-Wahhaab, it would not be correct because they refer to the son of Abdul-Wahhaab.


    Technically it's a person from Deoband in India. However the term Deobandi is used to refer to a group of people from India who follow a Soofee path which is derived from four of the extreme paths of Soofism (Shaadhiliyyah, Naqshibandiyyah and Chistiyyah and Tijaaniyyah i believe). They are extreme in their adherence to the Hanafee Madhhab and they perform Taqleed of it (blind following). And they are Maatureedee in 'Aqeedah so they deny and make vain interpretations of the Attributes of Allaah.

    Concerning the Soofees, al-Bayhaqee recorded in his Manaaqib ash-Shaafi'iyyah in volume 2 on page 208 that Imaam ash-Shaafi'ee said:

    لو أن رجلاً تصوَّف من أول النهار لم يأت عليه الظهر إلا وجدته أحمق

    ((If a person practiced Tasawwuf (soofism) in the first part of the day, he does not arrive at Dhuhur except as an Idiot))


    Sister Hanabee, the word is not Mythology, it's Methodology (Manhaj).

  9. Salfi and Wahabi are the real followers of the truth.... all others are following many myth stories. and stories........ after prophet Mohammed(pbuh)

  10. Wahabi- Terrorists... I mean 'sect of Islam" my arm that's true.....

  11. They are the people whose mosques are run by the money that comes from intelligence agencies of the world, like CIA, MOSAD etc..

    Sunni's and Shia's run their mosques by public sharing and self help.

  12. wahabbis claim to be sunnis...but the only thing they do is to spread harted among the muslim ommah and between shia and sunni brothers and sisters...they r dividing us and thats what enemies want...


  13. Salafies r not a group but a mythology( people following the salaf), Wahhabi & deobandi s are school of thought & practice with some difference in teaching methods & some consepts. All of them r working hard for the sake of Allah even though there r some contraversal points but we must not condem them instead look in2 their good parts & accept the rite wisdom & clear the wrong concept with the power of knowledge & hikmah.We should not make these groups issue of dividing this ummah.These groups r not like Ahmadies who r declaired kuffar by all the scholars of this ummah no matter wat they have 2 say.

    May Allah give hedayah who r thrying to divide this ummah.

  14. Salfi, Wahhabi and deobandis are various schools of thought, However all three named are rigid and at times very limited in their interpretations of Islam.. None of them have anything to do with Sufism..

  15. Kaafirs!

    Few of the 72 sects of Muslims who will go to h**l!

  16. well we are all muslims and shouldnt hate on each other.

  17. Faisal speaks the truth, leave these man-made labels - they cause nothing but division and breed hatred.

  18. When an Ansar and Mohajir got into a fight due to a joke played by the Mohajir and each called upon his people to help:

    The Ansari said, "Help, O Ansar!"

    And the Mohajir said, "Help, O Mohajirs!"

    The Prophet [Sallallaho Alaihe wasallam] came out and said, "What is the matter and who gave this call of the period of Ignorance? "

    Then he [Sallallaho Alaihe wasallam] said, "What is the matter with them?"

    So he was told about the stroke of the Mohajir to the Ansari.

    The Prophet [Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam] said, "leave this for it is an evil call''

    [Saheeh Bukhari: Volume 4, Book 56, Number 720]

    Mohajir and Ansar were names given by Allah, when these beautiful names became the cause of dispute amongst the Muslimeen, the Prophet [Sallallaho Alaihe wasallam] termed it as an evil call of the period of ignorance.

    Similarly is the case with names such as: Salafi, Ahle Hadith, Ahle Sunnah,Ahle Quran, Wahabi or Sunni etc, which seem beautiful in meaning but have become a source of dissension amongst the Muslimeen, so these names should be abandoned.

    How long will this creating of names go on?

    If the answer is no, then why did you need a new name before when we already had a beautiful name `Muslim'?

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