
Salamandars are amphibia, a large class of which most species endangered...?

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Salamandars are amphibia, a large class of which most species endangered what members of this class are found in Australasia and why are they so threatened.

this came from the video planet earth and i dont know the answer




  1. Australia's native amphibians are limited to members of the order Anura, commonly known as frogs. All Australian frogs are in the suborder Neobatrachia, also known as the modern frogs, which make up the largest proportion of extant frog species. About 230 of the 5,280 species of frog are native to Australia with 93% of them endemic.[1]Compared with other continents, species diversity is low, and may be related to the climate of most of the Australian continent.[2] There is only one invasive amphibian, the Cane Toad.

    Critically endangered frogs

    Fleay's Barred Frog (Mixophyes fleayi) is restricted to a fragmented range of less than 500km²; this species is classified as endangered.Cophixalus concinnus - Elegant Frog

    Geocrinia alba - White-bellied Frog

    Litoria booroolongensis - Booroolong Frog

    Litoria castanea - Yellow-spotted Tree Frog* - last seen 1980

    Litoria lorica - Armoured Frog* - last seen 1991

    Litoria nyakalensis - Nyakala Frog* - last seen 1990

    Litoria piperata - Peppered Tree Frog* - last confirmed sighting 1973, similar frogs discovered in 1992

    Litoria spenceri - Spotted Tree Frog

    Philoria frosti - Baw Baw Frog

    Pseudophryne corroboree - Corroboree Frog

    Taudactylus acutirostris - Sharp-snouted Day Frog* - three records since 1994

    Taudactylus eungellensis - Eungella Torrent Frog

    Taudactylus pleione - Kroombit Tinker Frog

    Taudactylus rheophilus - Tinkling Frog

    Endangered frogs

    The Eungella Torrent Frog (Taudactylus eungellensis) is listed as critically endangered because of its small geographic range of 10km².Cophixalus mcdonaldi - McDonald's Frog

    Cophixalus monticola - Mountain Nursery Frog

    Cophixalus neglectus - Neglected Frog

    Litoria brevipalmata - Green Thighed Frog

    Litoria cooloolensis - Cooloolah Tree Frog

    Litoria nannotis - Torrent Tree Frog

    Litoria raniformis - Growling Grass Frog

    Litoria rheocola - Common Mist Frog

    Mixophyes fleayi - Fleay's Barred Frog

    Mixophyes iteratus - Giant Barred Frog

    Nyctimystes dayi - Australian Lace-lid

    Philoria kundagungan - Mountain Frog

    Philoria loveridgei - Loveridge's Frog

    Philoria pughi

    Philoria richmondensis

    Philoria sphagnicolus - Sphagnum Frog

    Pseudophryne covacevichae - Magnificent Brood Frog

    Pseudophryne pengilleyi - Northern Corroboree Frog

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