
Salamanders, Salamanders...???

by Guest33506  |  earlier

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Do Salamanders like friends? Meaning i have a Salamander but she lives alone. Should i got to a reptile store and buy another? Would they fight or get along?





  1. it depends on species (which im sure u still dont know) most can live in small groups of the same species (never mix species of amphibians explained here ) but some are violent and can attack or kill other salamanders.

    i say this everytime u ask a question i tell u this u need to find out what species u have it very important to its care  

  2. i think they will get along

    salamanders are peaceful animals

  3. They are solitary animals it will do best on its own.

  4. Better on its own probably. But LOL the word salamandor is so funny.  

  5. i think you should get another and see if they fight or not if they do then put it in a separate tank .

  6. i think it will be better off on its own

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