
Sales call. Not interested and hang up she calls back said I was a f* b* & said she would kill me what wd u do

by  |  earlier

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Yes, this really did happen, at 8:30 thurs. eve. I am truly shocked. Not really sure if i am afraid for my safety... but.. just trying to get an idea how to respond. Do I just let it go... or ( I did call the Police),press charges.




  1. It's true - real telemarketers are not allowed to call you back if you declined their offer. I would report her.

  2. A true telemarketer is not allowed to call you back and usually the ones calling you are from an outgoing call center. They are not provided with a call back button (all computer now). All the other advise you received so for is great but you should also look at it another way as well....Do you have any enemies  that might disguise themselves as a telemarketer and really want to do some serious harm. Or it really was a scam sale and you didn't give in to giving them a credit card #. either way you should report it.

  3. *69 and ask for the supervisor. I always make it a habit to get the names of anyone I don't know who calls me. If anything, that idiot's living in a worthless existence- and you do not need to give her 2 seconds of thought.

  4. Do you have the phone number? Go to the FTC website and file a complaint. You can include as much information as you have.

    Also, call the company and get the name and address for the person who handles Customer Relations. Write a letter addressing the behavior.

    If you are seriously concerned about your safety, call your local police and file a report. They may not take it seriously, but it's better to have a paper trail if something comes up.

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