
Salesman coming from DM Design tonight, how do i get him out my house if its getting late?

by  |  earlier

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He is coming at 8pm and i dont really suffer fools gladly, so cant be bothered listening to sales BS, he is coming to measure up for a bedroom, but if it goes on and on can anyone suggest a way to get shot of him without being rude to him??




  1. no, just be rude. Or make a phone call while he is there and while your talking, just walk him to the door, open it and he should walk out.

  2. When he come to your door, welcome him in. BUT,tell him he has X amount of time to measure up and leave because you have another engagement.

  3. Just tell him your time is limited as you have another appointment and ask him if he can be as quick as possible.

  4. Tell him you still have other designs to look at so you WONT be signing anything today!

    Thank him for his time

    PS. try to put stuff on chairs etc so there isnt really anywhere to sit down.Stand up as much a posible,dont let the guy get comfy.

  5. alvedersein, toodle pip, tarrah, bye de bye there are so many ways!

  6. close the curtains and pretend to be out, problem solved

  7. oh there are so many. the first that pops to mind is a fake phonecall.. just say "hang on.. excuse me, any idea how long this'll take? no pressure, just need to plan my evening" just to set a deadline

    but whatever you do, do it at the beginning. less suspicious that way

  8. Be blunt with him. tell him what you want, and don't waste your time. Do not offer him tea or coffee,because this will drag things out . If you have had enough, tell him to leave in a most blatant way. It might seem rude but his job is to sell, and will do anything to make one. Avoid "special" deals and have now pay (By Finance) later. Aviod the 14 day cool down trick, because that is what it is. Some people just signa deal to get rid of the guy. I ended up throwing one salesman out, he did the lot from his fatel ilness to his divorce!

  9. Salesmen are geared up with patter and various means of getting your custom.

    Be polite but very firm. Say a firm No to anything you don't like and when you have heard enough tell him so firmly but politely.

    Never be afraid of being blunt, or hurting feelings. Remember most salespeople only care about a sale. They do NOT care about you.

  10. tell him before he starts that you dont want any waffle just the basics.

    also tell him he has a time limit of say 45 mins, anything over that and he will lose any possibiliity of a sale.

  11. Establish a time limit for the visit and if he was late then include that in his time. TELL him when his time is up and that you expect him to respect you just as he expects to be respected by his customers. Measuring should only take moments. Refrain from offering refreshments which can only exacerbate the problems you're anticipating.

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