Salford Reds coach Matt Parish confirms his bent for Sean Long
Matt Parish, the Salford Reds’ coach has confirmed that he wishes to have Sean Long of Hull FC on the coaching staff, after he announced his retirement plans on August 10.
It was shared by the brilliant ex-scrum half of St. Helens that this move for him was not at all an easy one but it was meant to be taken as he was not left with any choices. He also confirmed that this was not the way he had imagined wrapping up his playing
career but with the last one and a half year that was completely injury prone, he had to make his final call.
However, it has been clarified by the English scrum-half that he will not wipe out of the rugby world entirely but there is a switch from the on-field to the off-field role. It has been confirmed by Long himself that he will assume the responsibilities of
coaching after this move but it was not disclosed, what his coaching destination will be.
Rumours were already floating around about Long’s bent for the Salford. According to the word around, Parish of Salford has successfully convinced Long into joining his outfit, during his one month’s stay at England.
While speaking about the newly introduced- Long, Parish stated, “Sean can definitely add to our coaching staff so I’d like to think something could happen down the track. He’d be good for this club and the players. He would also be good for the corporate
side of things and he would be good for me. I get on very well with Sean. He's someone I'd like to have at the club, but there's nothing official at this stage. Sean Long's a winner and I'd certainly like to have him at the club.”
He further mentioned that he had never met Long in person. When he visited, England was introduced to him through Ian Millward who was a former St. Helens coach. Parish explained that he wishes to reign in the services of Long with his franchise as he gets
along with Long really well but currently there is no official decision taken though but his franchise’s bent is definitely inclined towards Long.
Parish also talked about the support shown by the fan base, which really makes the game exciting as all the fans are totally involved in the game. Unlike England, this is totally amiss at Salford. He branded this as a unique experience which he has never
experienced before.
Amidst all praises for fans, Parish also pointed out that referees in England halt the game a lot which is too disturbing. According to him, the referees should rather warn the players first instead of hurling penalties at them.