
Salinity for African Cichlids.?

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Alright, well I know that the SG for African Cichlids is supposed to be between 1.005 and 1.010. I was wondering if anyone knew how many say, Tablespoons or whatever per gallon you need to reach this salinity. Or whatever measurement to reach that. I have 3 African CichlidTanks and each one has a good SG. I am helping my cousin set one up and I need to know a measurement to tell him.





  1. Don't be a DK Kyle.  Soop is right.  I don't know where you get your information from, but I happen to breed Africans and I have not used any marine salt what so ever and my fish are breeding like nuts.  What I do add though is Rift Lake Salts which are just exactly as soopy said, calcium and magnesium buffers.  I'm quite certain he and I both know what we are talking about.

  2. Um, African Cichlids are NOT brackish fish-- they should have a salinity of right around 1.000 (full freshwater).  You shouldn't have any tablespoons of marine salt in the tank, but Rift Lake salt (considerable amounts of magnesium and calcium) would be a good idea.

    EDIT: LOL, let the bashing comence?  I didn't hear the bell...  I'd love to see the site or talk to the person that suggested between 1.005 and 1.010 SG (which is, in fact, brackish).  1.020 is the beginning of saltwater.

    For brackish definitions:

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