
Salmonella from red eared slider turtle?

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Hi. I'm just curious...Can i catch salmonella airborne? Because the water tank with the turtle is like 2 feet away from my bed on this stand and when i'm sleeping i'm not sure if i can catch salmonella by breathing it. Thanks!




  1. The CDC today blamed small pet turtles for infecting at least 44 people in five states with salmonella bacteria. Salmonella infection usually causes diarrhea, which may be bloody. Serious complications and death can also occur but are rarer. Those cases, which happened since May 2007, mostly affected young kids who played with or cared for the turtles. No deaths have been linked to the salmonella outbreak. Cases were reported in California, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

  2. No the only way you can catch salmonella is if you dont wash your hands after you handle them.  most well cared for turtles do not have salmonella so i wouldnt worry about it if you keep the tank well maintained and if you wash your hands.

  3. No.

    Salmonella can only be caught when handeling a turtle. And even then it is hard to catch.

    Baby turtles usually carry higher risks for infection that adult turtles do.

    I drank my turtles water once on accident and i NEVER got Salmonella.

    So I think that its pretty hard to get.

  4. Wash your hands often and you will reduce your chances of getting  Salmonella.

    You probably have a better chance of getting struck by lightning but it is possible for salmonella to be in the air. Flushing a toilet can put salmonella into the air.

    Water droplets in the air can be a vector. Exposure to close range droplets are considered as contact.

    Lemon grass has been used to kill air born bacteria.

  5. Nope. Contact only. Besides, if you keep the tank well-filtered with a powerful, large filter, the odds are it won't have it anyway.

  6. no you can't breath it in, The chances of you catching salmonella from your turtle are very slim, as long as you are hygienic and don't l**k it you'll be fine

  7. no darlin..just from handling sliders under 4"..

    but always wash your hands afterwards .

    I have had two for 36 yrs now plus a 8 yr old and a 5 yr old..

    I have had them in a 150gal pond for about 6 yrs now..

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