
Salt Water Pool Questions!!!?

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I put in a bid on a home that has a salt water pool. I don't know how many gallons it is, but it is about 5' deep and 360 square feet. Once we move in to the home we will know nothing about how to care for it or what to buy. (it is also a pebble tec pool if that makes a difference). I really do not want to walk into a pool store and ask what I need to get started because i am sure they will try to sell me everything in the store. Can you please let me know what I will need to buy to maintain the pool, how many hours to run the filter, and basically anything that can help me in my quest to tackle this. Is it more cost effective than a chlorine pool? etc. Any links or words of advice will help. If you don't like saltwater pools, please don't reply since we didn't make it that way. Also, the pool is in the phoenix az area. I appreciate the help. Have a great night.




  1. Get over not wanting to ask what you need at the pool store. Ask the current owners for the list of what they are using, they are after all selling to you and will be happy to help.

    Also they have been getting their supplies somewhere, so ask for a list and their supplier. You will get any discounts they have simply by going in and telling the store that you are the new owner.

    Also any pool has a learning curve, you will need to already be on a good working relationship with the pool store when something goes wrong. Most pool company's are pretty good. The local store in our area I use is Blue Dolphin, they may have a store in your area as well. Leslie's is another chain that I've had good luck with in the past.

    Start with the current owner and go from there.

  2. i own a pool company and my experince with them is they are harder to keep balanced.and you put very very little chlorine in them if you add a lot of chlorine then there goes the ionizer which gets expenisve to repleace also a salt pool must be kept at 1500 ppm i refuse to do salt pools

  3. A saltwater pool generates it own chlorine,therefore you save money on chemicals but you need to add keep the PH in check,add conditioner occasionally,and check to make sure the chlorine output is correct. Saltwater chlorine generators also keep the water looking great.Heres a page with information on how to figure out your gallonage:   and heres a page with info on salt chlorine generators:

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