
Salto Angel Water Fall Venezuela?

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Where does the waterfall ends..Is it a lagoon or what? Can you actually get under the mist that falls from the waterfall?

Donde Cae el agua del Salto ANgel? Y puede uno meterse debajo del agua que cae de la cascada?




  1. there is a tour that take you to the small lake that it's formed with the water from the santo angel and you can swim there (like 200 miles away from the bottom of the fall). is not exactly under the water fall because there is no hole to make a small lake exactly where the water falls... there are just stones, sharp-edged stones BTW. then, the water continues flowing and ends in a small water fall that forms the small lake I mentioned before.

    You can persuade the guides to let you reach the real end of the water fall (just like my family did) but since it is not safe for tourists the company wont take any responsibility if you convince them to let you go (and go with you of course). the end of the fall is like some really heavy rain and you have to walk like two hours more to get there. but c'mon!! are at the bottom of one of the biggest water falls in the world!!

    The tour is really great, they have the best rooms and staff, they are in the middle of the jungle and they have hot water!! that's enough for me!...

    so..if you are considering going to Venezuela, and to the Salto Angel, go and do it!...  In my opinion it is the best trip, voyage, "thing" I've done....

    (sorry 4 my mistakes...I'm learning)

  2. Salto Angel Waterfalls is situated on the river Churún. The indigenous people call it Kerepakupai-merú but is was named Angel Falls after Jimmy Angel, an American bush pilot and gold-hunting adventurer, who discovered it in 1937. The waters fall freely some 807 meters (2,648 feet) and reach the bottom of the valley as a misty spray that gathers into a small creek which eventually finds its way into the north-bound Churun River.

    The answer to your question is: the north-bound Churun River.

  3. The waterfall ends in a lagoon which then flows as a river and no, you cannot get under the mist. It is a VERY high waterfall and the speed with which the waterfall hits the water could actually kill someone. You can watch it from far away, you cannot get into the water. There are rocky mountains surrounding it so it doesn't have such an easy access.

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