
Saltwater fish in 40 gallon tank?

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I'm going to be setting up a 40 gallon saltwater tank and i was wondering if the fish i am planning on getting are compatible and apropriate for the size of the tank.

Here are the fish i have chosen:

2 - Green Chromis

2 - Ocellaris Clownfish

1 - Black Saddled Toby

If you could tell me if the fish are not compatible or if the tank is not big enough i would greatly appreciate it.




  1. you can have 6 chomis  2 ocellaris clownfish, the Toby  It will fight with conspecifics such as the filefish, large finned fish, and other tobies. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates, leaving a circular hole as its mark. It will also eat invertebrates found in a reef tank.

  2. Well, the chromis and the clowns are fine together, but the puffer might be worrisome.

    Toby are more suited to a fish only tank, so no coral. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates, leaving a circular hole as its mark. It will also eat invertebrates found in a reef tank. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure.

    Parts of its flesh are poisonous. It has the ability, when threatened or alarmed, to inflate its body to almost twice its normal size. It becomes alarmed when netted, therefore, use a container to transfer it.

    Just remember to fully cycle the tank before adding any fish and to have fun.^_^

  3. Assuming this is going to be a fish only tank, I would agree with the other posters that the Clowns would be okay as well as the chromis, but I'd leave the Toby out of the picture due to it's reputation of harassing other fish far too often.  A much better scenario would be the 2 clowns (introduced at the same time) and a group of 3 chromis. Though calmer than their other damsel cousins, chromis still do establish a hierarchy amoung themselves and having three, distributes it a bit better than having one dominate fish simple beating on the other. As for the clowns, they can also show a tendency towards being territorial and are best introduced at the sametime.

    Of course this also assumes a fully cycled tank that has become stable.

  4. They will all work together but use caution with Toby. They are very aggressive and will nip at other fish. They are also not reef compatable. They will eat any inverts you put in the tank. I personally would not put the Toby with the others. I would either go with community or aggresive, not both

  5. Well the 2 green chromis go with pretty much everything and don't need a big tank...also the two clowns will be fine because i have two in my 30 gallon tank. Finally the puffer is somewhat aggressive and i don't really know much about them but the tank in definitely big enough.

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