
Salvation is found in no one else,for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved exc

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Salvation is found in no one else,for there is no name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved except the name of JESUS. Acts 4:12




  1. Yes that's a fact.

  2. I like art, one of my favorite artists is a spaniard by the name Francisco Goya. He made a series of very know drawings known as "Los Caprichos de Goya" he mainly criticizes society in these drawings. One of my favorite ones is a woman holding her child who is in absolute fear of a hooded creature. On the bottom of this it reads "que viene el coco"(here comes the boogyman). It criticizes the absurdities that we fill children and ourselves with. After the completion of this drawing the french army invaded Spain and committed many atrocities. There are things to be truly afraid of, things which we must truly fear. Yet you assemble a belief(a ridiculous one) on the fear of h**l, and I say to you there are more important things, real things to be truly fearful of. Please go preach somewhere else.

  3. That would be interesting if there were something to be saved from and Jesus had ever been more than a myth. Neither is the case.

  4. This isn't even a question, toolbag.  Go street-preach somewhere else.

  5. Acts 4:11

    He is the stone you builders rejected,

    Which has become the capstone.

    Capstone: crowning of the edifice, climax or foundation

  6. I would love to answer your question's not a question.

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