
Salvia [Divinorum]?

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Some people have recommended me buying some to calm me down more since it's legal; I have been reading some experiences and some make me skeptical to try it. Does anyone have any experiences to share and does anyone recommend that I try it?




  1. It really isn't that great. It's not bad; I'm not against it. But my friends and I smoked some the other day and it just makes you feel really spaced out for about 30 seconds, then back to normal.

    We compared it to doing a whippit, only you smoke it. Not really worth the money, honestly. We even got the highest strength and used a butane lighter!

  2. first of all, using it to calm you down sounds stupid.  thats weed's department.  

    my personal experience with salvia: i smoked a whole gram of 10x and so did my friend, to no avail.  nothing happened.   very dissappointed.

    ive heard stories of ppl saying they were a blanket, and they lied on top of other ppl so they could be their blanket.  ive heard one say that he thought he was an elephant, and he started jumping around.  ive seen someone that just started lauging uncontrollably, the giggles to the max, and he thought he was a monkey and everyone was trying to give him bananas, ive seen people who will switch between crying and  laughing instantaneously, and go back and forth, my friend said he was a roller coaster and his body could only move as the tracks moved, another friend of mine said he was in his room and the furniture didnt want him there, they were giving him negative feelings and then he was able to communicate with them via an alternate universe.....really trippy and impossible to comprehend stuff.  

    overall ive heard that its an interesting experience and most ppl i know only do it one time, but they say they're glad they did it.  definetly worth the try, providing you do it under the right circumstances with the right setting, precautions, etc, just like with acid.  

    go for it.  happy tripping

  3. I wouldn't recommend it as it doesn't calm you down like weed might, it makes you hallucinate.

    My sister's boyfriend bought some and took it with him on our camping trip.  We were told it gives you the giggles for a few min.

    I was just about to go to bed when they started smoking it by the fire pit.  They were lucky i hadnt gone to sleep yet because literally after there first toke they dropped the pipe and fell forward out of their chairs.  They completely lost control.  They started saying stuff in tongues in a panic type fashion you couldnt understand anything they were saying.  I had to imediately run over to them because my sister was trying to crawl into the fire pit.  SHe burned her hand on the metal grate before i was able to pull her away.  Her boyfriend also was trying to go for the fire.  If i didnt stop him he would have belly flopped right on top of the fire.  After that he was running around very paniced yelling "how do i get out! Where do i go!" He had drool all over his face and appeared very scared. Neither of them had no idea what was going on or where they were at.  Luckily the hallucinating effects only last a couple min.  They could have been seriously injured.  You still have some "wierd feelings" and such for a couple hours afterwards.  Her boyfriend said he thought he was in a comic book and that was reality and the real world was just fake.  He was trying to escape the comic book.  My sister said she was inside her mind being held up by hands and her family were standing in a door way asking her to come to the door which was actually the fire pit.

    They said they will never do it again and threw the rest of what they had into the fire pit.

    After seeing what i did i would never smoke it.  If you still feel like smoking it make sure you have a baby sitter or you could hurt yourself.

  4. saliva instead of pot? Doubt it will work.

    I have heard bad stuff..if ya can't buy pot on the internet why could we get away with buying something that is suppose to do the same as pot?
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