
Salvia Divinorum?????

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I bought an ounce of Salvia Divinorum Foliage from,not the 10x or 20x doses...should I expect any side effects? since it's the general amount or strength will i feel anything? I'm looking for answers from people who have specifically done salvia...thanks for any help..i will pick a best answer.




  1. Check out for some information on salvia smoking.

  2. Go to very interesting.

  3. you will feel something indeed.

    The effects will last  for up to 15 minutes, but the first 3 minutes after it kicks in will be the most intense.

    you may feel as though you are paralyzed.

    you will likely forget that you smoked salvia.

    it might be scarey.

    it might make you laugh uncontrollably for absolutely no reason.

    do research at erowid. research is cool, especially when it comes to something you are putting into your body to alter consciousness.

    do NOT take in conjunction with hallucinogenics or other serious drugs. The salvia trip will blow your mind. It really depends on where your thoughts and level of being are at, all experiences are individual.

  4. Hi. My experience with Salvia has been pretty hit or miss.  The regular concentration should be fine as long as you smoke it properly.  Be sure to hold in your breath as long as possible, and be to take a big hit.  I've also had better luck with a torch liter, the higher heat burns the leaves faster.  For more info check out
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