
Samauri's or ninja's?

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who is better ninja or samauri




  1. It actually depends on what you like and depending on the situation, and the time period.

    Ninjas are actually a class of samurai, trained assassins.

    Most ninjas focus on hand-to-hand combat, utilizing stealth weapons, throwing knives, daggers. They're better used for assassination missions.

    Samurai are pretty much warriors with katanas. They're like Japanese knights in a way. They're pretty strong, because they wear a lot of heavy armor, but the armor also puts a lot of strain on their bodies because of the weight.

  2. Depends on the person.

  3. ninjas cuz they have throwing stars and are just really cool

  4. as samauris are warriors and ninjas are spies, id say samauris would win

  5. Wow, it's amazing how little people know about ninja and samurai...

    Actually, I'm going to go with "Generally Ninja" and I hope I'll give a thorough reasoning here.

    First off, some ninja were samurai -- for example, Hanzo Hatori was both ninja and samurai. Nishina Daisuke who became Togakure Daisuke (considered 1st grandmaster of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu) was a samurai retainer whose lord was killed in a battle and fled into the mountains of Iga where he was trained Kagakure Doshi, 3rd grandmaster of Hakuun Ryu Ninjutsu. The reasons one was ninja differed from lineage to lineage, clan to clan. I understand that the Momochi clan became ninja in defense of their land -- it was a way that an inferiorly sized fighting force could hold off a suppressive government.

    Further, it was traditional for the ninja (especially in the Togakure and Iga lineages) to study the samurai's skills in addition to their own unique skills. This is sometimes referred to as the Ninpo Sanjuroppo, or 36 Principles of Ninpo, which are comprised of 18 ninja skills and 18 samurai skills.

    The shuriken (throwing star, or, more appropriately, hidden hand blade) was not limited to the ninja. Some forms existed within the training of the samurai as well.

    I believe that the ninja are better, however, based on one legend specifically. Three ninja were tasked by the Shogun to stop a marriage that would unite two families of daimyo. One disguised himself as a priest (who were free to wander as they wished), another a wine seller (who would surely be in demand during a festival like a wedding), and a third as a ferryman (who would overhear wealthy travelers as they discussed the wedding plans). The priest ninja arranged it in such a way that he would wed the bride and groom during a ceremony of benediction to the water and air spirits (suigami and kazegami). A samurai retainer was convinced by the bride to wait away from her since the priest had said his presence might anger the spirits, so he hid in the bushes nearby as the bride and groom entered the water. The ceremony underway, the priest splashed water over the bride and groom, and, suddenly, the bride was swept and held under by the other two ninja, who were hiding beneath the surface using reed tubes to breathe (suiton no jutsu). The priest quickly informed the groom that the water spirits were angry because the samurai was spying on the ceremony, and the groom drew his sword, attacking the samurai, and was quickly struck down. By this point, the brides body was floating limply on the surface of the water. Samurai of both families, hearing the news, began fighting. When the fighting had finished, the brides side victorious, the retainer carried her body back to her father, claiming the groom had been drunk, gotten aggressive with her, and she slipped beneath the water in the struggle and drowned. He claimed the groom then attacked him, and he killed him in self defense. The daimyo was enraged and signed a treaty the next day with the shogun against the other daimyo.

  6. Chuck Norris

  7. wow people. give a straight answer!!


  8. Are we allowed to pick "chainsaw maniac"? If not, I'm not sure. Ninjas were suppossed to be more trained in the art of assassination, like hitmen. Samarui were trained to bemore like police officers.

  9. to me ninjas because they were skilled in kung fu and very seceret they also a very fast i think samauris arent that great so hope i helped
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