
Same s*x Couples Common in the Wild?

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0 LIKES UnLike released an article discussing same s*x couples in the wild amid California's strike down of a same s*x marriage ban. According to a zoologist at the University of Oslso, about 1,500 animal species are known to practice same-s*x coupling, including bears, gorillas, flamingos, owls, salmon and many others. So it would seem that, contrary to popular belief, there is absolutely nothing unnatural about homosexuality among just about any animal group on this planet. My question is now, that since homosexuality is not uncommon to other animal groups, why is it it that the one thing that does seem to be exclusive to humans is homophobia? Why do so many other people care about another person's sexuality and even fear and hate others for their homosexuality? Seems to be common only to humans. To round myself out a bit, I will tell you that I am a married man and father of two boys. I am in no way trying to forward any agenda or fight for any cause. I am just curious. Thats all.




  1. The study that you mention has been shown to be flawed by a few other researches but you seem to think that this one is the best of them.

    M.I.T. did a study in the late 1980s that showed a different outcome than the one you mentioned. So did two colleges in Texas in the 1990s. Yes I did forget the two.

    However those who study apes and all primates have said that there is only one primate that does have the males have s*x with other males and it was because of showing dominates over all the other males.

    This last study was done by the National Geographic Magazine.

  2. Of those 1500 species practicing same-s*x coupling, how many of them actually procreate via that coupling?  That is the natural reason for all species to exist, to procreate.  Everything else is just a side-benefit.

    I know there are some species that actually change sexes in order to reproduce (becoming male or female as necessary per the current population).  But they physically transform into the other s*x, through natural processes.

    But in a lot of species, homosexual activity is driven by the male's urge to initiate sexual release, and just like the saying about human males (who, given the need, will stick their member in anything with a hole in it), that's what happens in those species too.

    I think sexual and social interactivity in humans should be allowed to the extent that individuals choose to pursue it, as long as it is not unwillingly forced on another individual.  

    That certainly means that homosexuals have the right to form relationships and even marriage, as their god-given right to their full expression of their human existence.

    But it also means there should be no limit on the number of people entering into a relationship marriage (plural unions, polygamy), and within reason the the age of consent should be much more lenient than it currently is.

    You cannot have it both ways.  We cannot say one variation on the traditional single man/woman over 18 marriage is permissable, while other forms of marriage that HAVE BEEN JUST AS TRADITIONAL in earlier times and by other cultures, is not permissable, for no other reason than "current societal disapproval".

    Using the same research and studies that you are using, these limitations do not exist in other species either.  So the same arguments can and should be used to support these non-traditional unions as well.

    A true embracing of freedom and liberty means embracing and accepting the freedoms and liberties granted to others whom you might not completely agree with.  Anything less means your own freedoms and liberties can be challenged and taken away as well.

  3. umm... hello...

    Humans are not wild animals.

    Are you suggesting that we should all practice the instinctual rituals and habits of bears and gorillas and owls?

    If this is the case, then all of our laws regarding rape and murder should be repealed i guess right?

    If you want something steal it. If you don't like someone being in your territory, kill them.  If you want s*x, go ahead and forcibly have s*x.

    THis is how animals behave.

    Apparently, this is how YOU want to behave.

  4. Just because it happens once in a while doesn't mean it's common.

    I think this study is politically motivated.

  5. It seems that the authors of the study have an agenda to promote by this study.  They looked for what they wanted to find.  I have no problem with that.  People have said that you don't find cases of homosexuality in the wild and they looked for examples to prove that statement wrong.

    Let's assume that those that did the study are 100% honest, and the facts that they reported are true.

    They make the statement that homophobia doesn't appear to exist in the wild.  Did they look for it?  I doubt it, because they only devoted one sentence to that subject.  I would be curious to see how heterosexual members of the animal kingdom react to those that engage in homosexual activity.  Are they ostracized?  Do those that engage in homosexual activity participate in it because they have some genetic defect?

    If you're going to use this study to say that homosexuality is "natural", they should at least be honest enough to see what else is "natural" as it relates to this subject.  Failure to do so shows that they are only trying to promote an agenda, and not engage in true scientific research.

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