
Same Spelt words meaning 2 different things, please list ?

by Guest61322  |  earlier

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Ok, so i mean, words like:-


meaning "please read your book child" and "i read my book last night mummy".


meaning "i use my hairdryer every day", also "i use to go out with big malcolm down the road till he dumped me".

So, words that are spelt the same but mean two different things.

Off you go, best answers get 10 whole points :o)




  1. Closer:

    Mariano Rivera is the closer for the Yankees

    He moved closer to the city.


    Close the door.

    That was a close call.

  2. Alternate (adjective) and alternate (verb)

    Bass (fish) and bass (guitar)

    Bow (verb) and bow (for violin)

    Close (near) and close (shut)

    Console (comfort) and console (like playstation)

    Contract and contract

    Desert (the place) and desert (to abandon)

    Dove (the bird) and dove (past tense of dive)

    Invalid (adj. not valid) and invalid (noun)

    Lead (metal) and lead (opposite of follow)

    Minute (time) and minute (small)

    Moped (the floor) and moped (cried)

    Number (counting) and number (more numb)  

    Plaque (on your teeth) and plaque (on the wall)

    Present (gift) and present (presentation)

    Project (noun) and project (projector)

    Putting (to put somewhere) and putting (golf)

    Sewer (one who sews clothes) and sewer (gutter)

    Sin (mathematical) and sin (ex. 10 commandments).

    Tear (cry) and tear (rip)  

    Wind (noun) and wind (verb, to rhyme with bind)

    Wound (cut) and wound (past tense of wind)

  3. should read - I used to go out with malcolm....

    1. Lead

    2., oh bollocks !

  4. 1. feed- to feed a baby, to give an animal feed

    2. stalk- the stalk of a plant, to stalk someone

    3. base- a base coat of paint, at the base of the room

    4. bear- to bear a child, a brwon bear

    5. march- march month of the year, to march in the army

    6. right- on your right hand side, you're right about that

    7. plaster- plaster on a wall ,plaster put on a wound

    8. cut- as in the verb  to cut,i have a cut on my knee

    9. light- to light a fire, turn on the light

    10.left- turn left, i left the building

  5. Lead as in I put the dog on a lead

    Lead, as in Lead on and I'll follow

    Lead - as in the lead pipe is heavy

    Lead, as in I lead the way up the mountain

    Sorry, I can't think of any more, but if I do I'll share them with you

  6. Your "use" is used incorrectly.  It's "I use my hairdryer everyday." and "I used to go out with Big Malcolm."  That's just past tense.

  7. It's a heteronym, and very common in the english language. Different cultures in english speaking countries also affect the way we have meanings for words.

    polish (the furniture shiner) and Polish (as in nationality)

    bang (as in alliteration, the sound of a gun) or american word for fringe

    bogey (from your nose) bogey (on a train)

    bow (as in tie a bow) bow (in karate)

    bum (as in buttocks) bum (as in homeless guy)

    converse (to talk) converse (as in the shoe)

    desert (to leave someone) desert (think egypt and pyramids)

    dove (the bird) dove (he dove off a cliff into the deep blue ocean beneath him)

    lead (poisonous metal) lead (as in taking the lead of something)

    minute (tiny) minute (as in time 60 minutes to an hour)

    tear (up a piece of paper) tear (in your eye)

    wind (up something e.g clockwork train) wind(weather element)

  8. All in a row,   row the boat.,

    try to do better   score a try,

    Am stuck lol, must be millions ?    Any help?

    Very un pc , but , if the g*y ( happy ) g*y ( homosexual) went up in a puff of smoke would the poof go poof ? Is that allowed ?

  9. 1) used, not use... "I used to go out with big malcolm..."

    2)Tire - Car tire - to tire out

    3)bank - river bank - money bank

    4)Crop - cut - field of hay

    5)Class - heirarchy - school room

    6)Fall - Season - fall to the ground

    7)Train - locomotive - teach someone to do something

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