
Same question if a president elect passes on does the vice president elect take his place as president elect?

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Same question if a president elect passes on does the vice president elect take his place as president elect?




  1. What would occur if a president-elect died before taking office? Example....Let us say that Kerry won the election but died or was removed before Jan 8, 2005. Would the Vice President elect be put into office as President, would Bush remain in office or???

    according to the 20th amendment of the US Constitution. (after the Electoral College has met), If President-Elect John Kerry had died, before January 20th, 2005 (Inauguration Day). Vice President-Elect John Edwards would become the President of the USA. Mightberight/wrong 17:45, 2 November 2005 (AST).

  2. That's the whole point in having a Vice President. This is how Johnson became President.

  3. If by passes on, you mean, assumes room temperature, then , yes he does.

  4. Yes

  5. I found a website that explains it pretty good because there is no clear rule.  If the candidate dies before the election and there is enough time then the people vote again(or so that's how I understood it), if the candidate dies right before the election then the election proceeds but only the ticket votes will be counted....and I think I understood that if the president was elected already but not sworn in yet that the vice president elect takes the job---to make sure, please refer to the website below...good luck

  6. YES....

  7. Yes.

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