
Same-s*x marriage... what are your beliefs?

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I'm against it... The debate over whether the state ought to recognize same-s*x marriages has thus far focused on the issue as one of civil rights. Such a treatment is erroneous because state recognition of marriage is not a universal right. States regulate marriage in many ways besides denying men the right to marry men, and women the right to marry women. Roughly half of all states prohibit first cousins from marrying, and all prohibit marriage of closer blood relatives, even if the individuals being married are sterile. In all states, it is illegal to attempt to marry more than one person, or even to pass off more than one person as one’s spouse. Some states restrict the marriage of people suffering from syphilis or other venereal diseases. Homosexuals, therefore, are not the only people to be denied the right to marry the person of their choosing.




  1. Performing incest and marrying more then one person has no comparison to homosexuals.

    People seem to forget that black and white people were not able to get married until the mid 60's,   should we start comparing mix racial couples to incest. I think not!

    My belief is homosexuals should have every right to get married and have the same benefits as any other married couple.

    We already have civil unions, so why not take it to the next step?

    Like Wanda Sykes says,

    "If you don't believe in g*y marriage, DONT marry someone of the same s*x"

    It's as simple as that. =)

  2. If you liken homosexuality to incest, monogamy and sexual diseases, then I'm afraid you don't quite understand homosexuality that well.

    Besides, even if we're not the only ones denied it, doesn't make denying it to us right—that's circular logic.

  3. g*y people have every right to get married, in my opinion.  

  4. I happen to be straight, but I think people should have the right to marry whichever gender they want.

  5. Yes but there are reasons for those thing to be denied. sickness health problems, ect. what that h**l is wrong with two people that care and love each other to get married even if they are the same s*x. its just the same way any other relationship works. how would you feel if you were denied marriage to the person you loved uh. how would you feel if everywhere you turned you hated against for trying to be with the one you care about. you need to pull you head out of your butt and see that its just like any other relationship. this c**p against g*y marriage is starting to p**s me off why that h**l can't people get over it already.  

  6. Wow, aren't you really opening a can of worms?

    Same s*x marriages do not affect my life in any way, what they do in their time behind closed doors is fine by me.

    To further prove my point, allowing George Takei and his partner and Ellen and her partner marry has not changed my life in any way shape or form.

  7. I am for it all the way being bi and all.

    what is wrong with love?

    just because it is between two people of the same s*x why should it be any less recognized?

    how can one deny someone love?

    there are people like Britney spears who get married a night then get divorced the next, this is legal, are you to say that this was a greater legit relationship? there was NO LOVE where as at least there is love here.

    i think anyone should be able to love anyone they want regardless of all these boundries.

    love should have no boundries, because what is so bad about two people loving eachother?

  8. I think if you saw this commercial you'll have a better understanding if the tables were turned on straight people trying to marry.

  9. So let me get this straight ... your argument is that we should not recognize same-s*x marriage because other people also get discriminated against for who or how they are. and therefore g**s and lesbians should not cry over being denied something that u take for granted! Just because a state regulates  laws does not mean that those laws are correct or  justified. Everyone under the 14 amendment has the right to be treat equally under the law. not just those that fit a narrow definition of what a quote on quote american should or should not be.  

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