
Same <span title="dream...1997....deaths....graduation?">dream...1997....deaths......</span>

by Guest66964  |  earlier

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is there anywhere i can go online to help me solve this? it seems like its trying to tell me something and i can't figure it out. ...i dont want to get too much into the details but basically my sister gets killed weeks shy of her high school graduation (1997)...the second dream was set in the same area she supposedly died at, but the weird thing is that my great grandmother was in that dream and she died in 1997 a couple weeks after my sisters graduation that did take place.....there's other stuff that links together but i dont want to get too much into it....any help?




  1. try dreammoods


  2. try this website

  3. ok well maybe sumthing destinct happened that triggered ur mind into thinkin  of that again another death graduation

  4. listen....more occasionally than not it does not mean might but it could just be disconnected thoughts that your semi-conscious brain puts dream.... now i have had some FKED up dreams,....which have nasty habits of comin true.....literally...i dreamed that on newyears the stage broke and in the party that me n my friends went to the stage DID break and 5 people died......i dont kno any site which can clear this...its better to consult someone

  5. Did you feel like you lost your sister when she graduated from high school?   The &quot;haunted house&quot; COULD represent their feeling of being &quot;trapped&quot; in school, so they laughed when they got out.   They were happy to &quot;escape&quot; and go away, but as a 7 year old, this hurt you, because you did not want to lose your sister to college, or have her leave home.  One day she was laughing and happy.  The next, FLASH!  She was gone.  That&#039;s how you, as a 7 year old, experienced her leaving.  So, the whole event was haunting and desolate in your mind and your memory of that year.

    Around that time, your Grandmother also died, so you even though you were not all that close to her, the &quot;year 1997&quot; may have symbolized death and loss to you.  My sister&#039;s 190 year old daughter moved out suddenly last year, and little brother, age 6 (just turned 7 last week) has grieved and cried over her absence MANY times in the past year.

    Now, as you reach that same age, and your own graduation time was upon you, you remembered how you felt at the time your sister graduated.  It was perhaps, a time of laughter and escape for her, but of loss and uncertainty for you.  Now, you are the one facing the future, the &quot;unknown,&quot; with a desire to leave, a desire to stay, caught in that great time of &quot;uncertainty.&quot;  This prompted the dream of your sister&#039;s graduation.  So, you revisit that fateful site in your own dream.  You ponder, alone, for awhile, and then your Mom shows up.

    In real life, you are pondering, alone, the past, the future, the unknown... but then your Mom shows up.   Isn&#039;t that how it goes?  Then you realize you are NOT alone.  You are part of a family.  You do not &quot;drive alone&quot; you have a family system (van) to rely on in life.  What a relief!

    They can be there to help you in your decision making processes and offer the love and support you need for your future.  

    Remember the sense of fear and loss you felt when your sister grew up, graduated, and you didn&#039;t know where the future would take her.  Remember the grief and confusion.  Then, look at your younger sister, your cousin, and yes... your Mom.  All of them will also suffer anxiety as you think about the future.  All of them will feel loss when you go away to college or move out into life on your own.  It won&#039;t be a death, but it might feel like one to those who will be left behind.  Be sure to let them know how much you love them and that you are not writing them out of your life.  

    Especially with younger siblings and cousins, explain to them that though the family talks a lot about your future plans, you are STILL a part of the family.  

    Sometimes as teens and adults talk about important family issues, the unknown aspects of those issues grow HUGE in the minds of younger children, and they experience real fear as a result.  You and your parents may have pretty lively or heated discussion about your choices and options right now, and it may seem to younger relatives that you are fighting and they might get scare that you are going to leave forever or something.  

    You, in your young mind, may have somehow linked your sister&#039;s gradution and her choices that followed with your grandmother&#039;s death, and experienced them as loss.  Now, you can revisit this event from a more mature perspective.  You&#039;re tall enough to see above the long grass.  

    Pray about your future.  Embrace your family!

    God bless you!


  6. wow this seems hard, but nothing is hard if you truly can interpret it... (i mean this dream)

    this goes many ways:

    the dream of the graduation means that something happened that year... and it&#039;s in a graduation position cause well it&#039;s important to be at your loved one(s) graduation.. and in that same year your great grandma died...

    as for your sister dying can mean something bad happened their and  mean it will affect you..

    2. it can mean that something may happened to a loved one in a important event... which means it&#039;s helping you be prepared... your great grandma being there just means your other loved ones are there...

    3. 1 &amp; 2 combined: means that in that graduation your Grandma may have health issues but something else was wrong... which may lead her to her death...

    4. it can mean you fear to much that your overprotective on someone you love like a family member, .....

    Now, I&#039;m not psychic.. dreams have meanings.. and they can prepare you for what&#039;s to come.....and i also believe that it can leave you clues to past and future things.....I believe God uses dreams to help us...

    you may very well be in a Detective position here..

    cause i don&#039;t think this is an ungodly dream....

    i Feel your up to something...

    Remember when something happens in real life, it most likely won&#039;t go the way your dream went but they both have the same meaning...

    So be prepared for future events...


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