
Samsung Glyde or LG Voyager?

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Which is better? Are the "online discounts" for real?




  1. voyager.

    i looked at them both in the store and the samsung glyde is super small. (which is normally a good thing but isnt with a touch screen) i have really small hands and fingers but i even had trouble with the touch screen. and the keypad that slides out isnt a full qwerty keyboard it just has the letters. i didnt like it.

    i really like the voyager and was considering buying it but i personally dont want to carry a phone that big around with me (i like it to fit nicely into my pocket.) but it is nice. i messed around with it for a while and it is perfect in my opinion. and i like how it flips open to a full qwerty keyboard which the iphone doesnt have.

    so the voyager is so much better than the gylde

  2. lg voyager cause it has touch screen...yeah the online discounts r real..but first u gotta choose ur phone & plan and i think when u go to checkout they discount u...but u gotta b careful & make sure its not a mail in rebate discount...

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