
Samsung LCD Problem, *10pts for Helpful Answer!*?

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I have an LE32R87BDX it has started 'ghosting' this is most noticable on faster pictures, i.e. football, it looks like the contrast is turned right down and the colour turned right up, i have tried a full factory reset to no avail, has anyone else experienced this?





  1. True ghosting with two pics super imposed is usually caused by a bad cable somewhere or a fitting on the cable.its caused by two signals reaching your tv at the same time or slightly apart so the bad cable is letting in a second signal call the cable company and they will fix it for free or check the coax lines behind you tv for noticable problems

  2. Look in your manual for settings, you can set your picture in different modes ie Movie/Action etc this is for speeding up the pixels when watching fast moving football/action movies. Failing that i would ring Samsung and ask them as they have an excellent after care service even after the warranty has expired.

  3. ask on

    and give as much information as possible people will ask you more questions, and they will have a much better idea of what could help.

    you will ahve to sign up though. i have and it's a excellent forum.

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