
Samsung LCD Series 5 or Series 6?

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I have a ps3 and I want to update my LCD Sharp 1080p, I would like to get a Samsung Series 5 or Series 6, Series 5 are cheaper but I would like to have the best experience for gaming do you think is worth to get one of the series 6?




  1. Though the 5 series produces a good picture quality, I'd opt for the 6 series. The reason is due to video lag. All HDTVs buffer their video. This buffering produce a noticeable video lag that can interfere with your real-time gaming experiences. Since your intention is to use this TV with a PS3, pick the 6 series because of its gaming mode. This gaming mode reduces the amount of video buffering and will give you a more real-time gaming experience. Trust me, this will be a big disappointment to your gaming experiences if you pick the 5 series.

  2. You should go for the HIGHEST series available.....

    I'm surprised you haven't seen the Series 7 yet.....

    But if you really want the BEST and you're a patient person, you should wait until Mitsubishi unveils the Laser DLP this Christmas....

    No more lamps to more color wheels with worn bearings .....

    Samsung has had both wear out.....

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