
Samsung tocco Camera?

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Samsung tocco has a fuzzy pic when i take a picture, any1 else have this problem? how do u get a perfect pic




  1. Any compact digital will give a rubbish pic regardless of it`s mega pixel rating.

    Try messing around with the settings, preferably changing the size of the pic.

  2. My Samsung Tocco camera is perfect so I'm not sure how your's is fuzzy.

    These are my settings.

    Size: 640 x 480

    Face detection: On

    White balance: Auto

    More settings:-

    Quality: Superfine

    ISO: Auto

    WDR: On

    Exposure meter: Matrix

    Single shot mode: Take and save

    Anti Shake: On

    Also it's on camera mode not scene mode.

    If that doesn't help your camera may be faulty as some had the wrong mega-pixel camera in them e.g. a two mega-pixel instead of a five.

    Hope I helped!

  3. Noe Ideaaa?

    Maybe Have A Look On Settings?

  4. Don't Worry mine does the same! They come out fine on the computer but look awful on the phone so..... if you want them to look good on the phone then go into edit and just save it. Mine look a lot sharper after that! But when you come to put them on the computer they aren't half as good! So save the original as well! It's annoying i know! :)
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