
San Diego Restaurant?

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Looking for the best place to eat out of theses choices:

Trattoria Fantastica By Busalacchi

Po Pazzo Bar and Grille by Busalacchi

Café Zucchero™ by Busalacchi

Valley View Casino Buffet

Please also let me know why you selected the restaurant.




  1. All of them are fabulous choices,  but in this economy, you can't beat free.  Valley View has a lobster buffet and you can eat free when you join their players club.  If you are a gambler, I think you get some coin to play, too.

  2. Go to this web site:

    Do a search on each place and you will have your answers.

    Real People............Real Reviews.

    Great Web site for any business.

  3. Your choices are not too good. Go to Rock Bottom or Mr A's

  4. They are all great choices.  Its hard to beat free lobster buffet though.
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