
San Francisco or San Diego ? Where should I live : I am an attorney.?

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San Francisco or San Diego ? Where should I live : I am an attorney.?




  1. You already know the answer to your question.    

    If you really don't, live in MEXICO.

  2. I'd go for a smaller town where competition in your job category is less.

  3. I would choose San Diego.  It's warmer there than San Francisco!  I would prefer to hang out on a warm beach.

  4. Frisco, since I heard Frisco Bay is infested with sharks, you should feel right at home...

  5. Probably wherever you will be able to have a better lifestyle taking into account your salary minus cost of living.  The cost of living for the two is pretty much the same depending on where you live exactly. I actually moved from the bay area to San Diego, and I have to say personally I prefer the bay area.  I enjoyed the community much more up there than down here in San Diego.  

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