
San Jose VTA buses safe at night?

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This is to those living in San Jose, CA; preferably the Evergreen area.

I live in the Evergreen area of San Jose, and will be taking a night class at the community college. It ends at 9:45 pm. To get home, I have to take the bus and then walk 20 minutes to Oakgate Way. I have no driver's license, my friends don't have the same class schedule, none of them drive, and my parents can't always pick me up. Is it safe?




  1. No matter where you are or what kind of transportation you take I say if your going to be walking alone its not safe. Try taking the normal bus and sit at the front it may be less creepy.

  2. evergreen is one of the safest areas in san jose..... it's safe.


  3. I'd say the bus ride would most likely be safer than the 20 minute walk you have to do. Can you bring a bike on the bus so you don't have to walk late at night?  

  4. yeah, i think its safe. There usually isnt many people on the bus at night and the bus drivers dont just let anybody on. Also, the evergreen area is one of the safer neighborhoods.

  5. there's barely anyone on the buses, even in the daytime

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